Chapter 2001 I'm not taboo
It is said that Nangong Han's face is like a crown jade, his temperament is noble, and he comes from Yongchangbo Mansion, the prefecture city. Needless to say his identity, besides, he is gentle and refined, well-mannered, and well-educated. No matter who meets him, he can't fault him.

Such an excellent person, but there are many people who make up his mind.

There are wives who are tempted to recruit a son-in-law, and there are also young girls who are in love with each other.

But no one dared to act rashly.

For example, sisters Qiao Sisi and Qiao Jiaojiao, sisters He Qingqing, He Jiaxin, He Xianglan, and He Zhiying are all fourteen or fifteen years old, at the age when they first fell in love. It's strange to be tempted.

Not to mention the few of them, even Liu Min, Jiang Yuan, and Chai Qiongyan couldn't help but feel a little moved when they looked at him.

But they have self-knowledge, know that with their family background, they will definitely not be able to climb up to the Yongchang uncle's mansion, so they don't think about those illusory things.

The He family is the richest man in Lin'an County. Although they are related by marriage, it is not easy to get closer and closer. How dare they think about the honorable family.

The situation of the second and third families of Qiao's family and He's family is similar. There are a few properties in the family, including Zhuangzi's shops. They are considered wealthy, but they are not counted in the entire county.

Naturally, it can't be compared with the big households in Fucheng, let alone the lofty Yongchangbo Mansion.

Therefore, the little girls kept their thoughts deep in their hearts, not doing what they thought, and doing what they should do.

However, because of Nangong Han's presence, she was a bit more reserved. She held the reserve of her little daughter and stopped talking and laughing loudly. Even Liu Min, who has a straightforward temper, became more particular, and took the teacup that He Xiner handed over. At that time, he said softly, "Thank you fourth sister."

Seeing that her little face was slightly flushed, with a hint of coercion, He Xiner blinked, feeling a little amused.

After He Jiajie grilled a few skewers of venison and chicken wings and handed them to Nangong Han and He Xin'er, he didn't bother to start any more, and called the servants to barbecue. He and Nangong Han sat around the stone table in the pavilion, eating meat and drinking, but it was okay. Cozy.

The two of them didn't care much about the little girls around, so they only invited He Xiner to have a drink together.

He Xiner wants to talk with the little sisters, so naturally she won't drink with the two of them. Besides, she has already drank several glasses of fruit wine at the banquet, and she is a little smoked, so she dare not drink any more. I heard that there will be a family banquet tonight Woolen cloth.

Shunzi roasted meat, Liangzi carried a tray to distribute to everyone, He Xiner took two skewers of mutton, and said with a smile, "The mutton has a slightly smelly smell, if you are not used to it, just wait for the pork skewers."

Qiao Sisi also imitated her and took two skewers, and said, "I'm not a taboo, I can eat any kind of meat, but it's the first time I've seen someone grill skewers, not to mention the taste is really good, I still want to eat it."

He Jiaxin at the side glanced quietly at Nangong Han, quickly looked away, blushed and whispered, "Well, the meat skewers are indeed delicious, but the way to eat them is not elegant."

And straightforward Liu Min held up a bamboo stick, opened his mouth to bite a piece of meat, pulled the stick very chicly, and tasted the unique flavor of barbecue, and nodded happily, indicating that the taste was good, she Had a great time eating.

Just when her mouth was full of greasy food, she heard someone say that the way of eating was indecent. She was startled, and hurriedly lowered the bamboo stick she held high, then took out a handkerchief to wipe the corners of her mouth, and quickly glanced at He Jiajie with her downcast eyes. , but the other party didn't pay attention to her at all.

He Yuru and He Xiuxiu were in a similar situation to her. They were still carrying it at first, trying to impress Nangong Han with a dignified and stable attitude.

But the unique aroma of cumin and chili noodles, when it rushed to the nose with the sound of sizzling, it made the two of them swallow their saliva. Everyone ate it, let alone carrying it, and grabbed a handful of it, and then it got out of control once they ate it.

The two ate very happily, and after a while, there was a pile of bamboo sticks on the small table in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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