Chapter 2002 Play with us

Suddenly someone mentioned that eating is not elegant, He Yuru and He Xiuxiu subconsciously slowed down the speed of rolling the skewers, but they were frightened by the hills of bamboo sticks in front of them.

Is this what the two of them ate?
He Xiuxiu rolled her eyes and glanced around, and found that there were a few sticks scattered here and there in front of her little girl, probably only a dozen sticks.

This comparison is embarrassing.

It seems that the two of them are like pigs.

Her little face was flushed with embarrassment, and she lowered her eyes, thinking that she would throw it on the ground while no one was looking.

Unexpectedly, He Yuru is impatient, watching the hills piled up in front of her, fearing that Nangong Han would look at them, she glanced at Nangong Han nervously, then stretched out her hand and pushed the pile of hills to He Xiuxiu. in front of you.

He Xiuxiu fell on his back in anger.

God damn He Yuru!

She was extremely annoyed, she wished she could pounce on that bitch and bite the bitch, but she didn't dare to make any noise, so she could only hold back her anger.

She was so angry that her brows twitched.

The more she thought about it, the more unwilling she became, He Xiuxiu clenched her fists tightly, her long nails pinched her palms so painfully, she gritted her teeth and swore that she would never let He Yuru feel better.

Looking around quietly, He Xin'er, Liu Min and others were chatting and laughing in low voices, Nan Gonghan and He Jiajie were also drinking happily, even the two servants were busy, no one noticed them.

He Xiuxiu breathed a sigh of relief, and was thinking whether to push the hill-like bamboo stick to He Yuru, when she suddenly got up and left.

She was startled for a moment, and then she became furious, her chest hurting from anger.

This bitch!

While He Xiuxiu was gnashing her teeth and cursing secretly, He Yuru suddenly walked up to He Xiner and said, "Fourth sister, where's your big dog?"

He Xiner was slightly taken aback, and looked up at her.

This person turned out to be normal, and it was really not easy to stop talking with his throat squeezed.

He Yuru, who has already grown up, is half a head taller than He Xiner, and also thicker than her. She is two sizes bigger than He Xiner, and now she is looking down at He Xiner, with a sense of superiority, a kind of admiration He Xiner's feeling can be wiped out with just one hand.

This feeling is really refreshing, like eating ice cubes in June, it is a comfort.

He Yuru enjoyed this feeling very much, and it inevitably brought out a little bit, so He Xiner saw the emotion in her eyes, and she said flatly, "There are many people in the pavilion, Dabai is inconvenient here, so I'll go back first."

"That's it~"

He Yuru, who had specially dressed up carefully, was wearing a bright red printed collared jacket, a turquoise pleated skirt, a ponytail, two bright peonies and silk flowers, and heavy makeup, making her look quite mature.

Before, He Xiner didn't take a good look at her, but now the two of them are very close to each other, standing close to each other, she couldn't help frowning secretly.

The strong and pungent smell of inferior cosmetic powder made her slightly uncomfortable, so she straightened up quietly and moved away from her.

One taste is too strong, she is incapable of accepting it.

Besides, she was really afraid that the other party would smear powder as soon as she opened her mouth, so it wouldn't all fall on her face.

Uh ~
Just think about it.

"It's not interesting for us to be here. I think it's better to call your big dog and play with us."

He Xiner's tone became a little lighter, "No, it's going to take a lunch break at this hour."

He Jiajie, who was having a drink, sneered when he heard this.

This woman is restless, and she is not sure what her plans are now.

Just trying to figure it out, that's really blind.

Nangong Han's eyes were deep and quiet, calm and indifferent, as if he had no interest in the affairs between the young daughters, he should be a gentleman, calm and restrained.

He Yuru glanced at him from time to time, as if to see how he would react, but seeing that he didn't look at him, she felt a little depressed.

"Fourth sister is quite spoiled with that dog..."

(End of this chapter)

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