The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2003 I'll Be an Accompanying Reader for You

Chapter 2003 I'll Be an Accompanying Reader for You

"Speaking of Dabai, it's a bit like the dog in fairy tales, called Xuebao. It's also white all over, tall and majestic, smart and capable, and can talk. It's so interesting. I like reading its stories the most."

He Qingqing looked down on He Yuru a little, seeing that she was going to run He Xiner in public, so he interrupted her.

She smiled brightly at He Xiner, "Has Fourth Sister ever read a fairy tale book? Do you have any favorite animals?"


He Yugu's eyes lit up, but he said angrily to He Qingqing, "You too, knowing that the fourth younger sister grew up in the countryside and didn't know a single word, but asked her about studying, how could she answer that? "

He Xiner...

It is really speechless.

Both Nangong Han and He Jiajie put down their wine cups and looked over. He Yuru kept watching Nangong Han out of the corner of his eyes. Xin'er, "Fourth sister, don't think too much about it, second sister didn't do it on purpose."

He Qingqing is the second sister, and she is of the same family as her, so naturally she wants to be called the second younger sister.

He Qingqing was stunned by her words, and then he couldn't keep up with her rhythm, and couldn't get a chance to speak.

On the other hand, He Yuru was eloquent, chattering, never stopping, and seemed to be in control of the audience. She was a little flustered, and bent down to shake He Xiner's hand, but it was empty. .

The smile suddenly froze on his face, He Yuru tried his best to suppress the thought of wanting to run away, and continued to speak before others.

She racked her brains to come up with an idea, and she would not give up halfway. Naturally, she had to perform a full set of plays to achieve her goal.

"My grandfather valued scholars the most. All the men in the family must go to school, and the girls must also be literate. He said that only by being literate can one understand things..."

He Xiner put a small face on her face, and stepped back a little to prevent the powder from falling on her body.

"Fourth sister, if you don't mind, sister, I can teach you to read and write..."

It turned out to be this idea.

He Jiajie's eyes were full of contempt.

He Xiuxiu was extremely annoyed, she had forgotten that that bitch He Yuru could read, and she never thought that a person who has always been reckless and arrogant would suddenly play tricks and act decently, it was really hard to guard against.

Could it be that he just watched her stay in the He Mansion while he wanted to go home?
Don't look at the patriarch's family's food and clothing is not very good, but they are rich, but the money is spent on studying, it is true that as He Yuru said, males must go to school, so that they can gain fame in the future and shine on the lintel.

And girls also need to be literate, lest they be looked down upon by people who are illiterate.

So He Yuru can read, and as for her, she can also read a few words, which was taught by He Yuru, but she doesn't have the confidence to be a teacher to others.

But she also wanted to stay.

It's better to eat well, live well, and have servants to take care of you in He's mansion than at home.

Furthermore, only if he stayed, would he have the opportunity to plot against He Xiner and plan his own marriage.

So He Xiuxiu, who was in a hurry, didn't care about shame at the moment, and said in a hurry, "Yuru loves to be a teacher to others. When she was young, she taught me while learning, so I also know it." A few words."

Her eyes flickered, and she forced a stiff smile, "If the fourth sister doesn't mind, I'll be a companion for you..."

He Qingqing, who was the first to mention the topic of reading, had a grim look on his face. Qiao Sisi, Liu Min and others all fell silent.

These little girls are all clever, He Yuru and He Xiuxiu have spoken so directly, there is nothing they don't understand.

Although he was contemptuous in his heart, he couldn't stand up for He Xiner.

As a result, both of them were annoyed, they wanted to take advantage of He Xiner, but also wanted to save her face, it was really deceiving too much.

"Heh~, can't my majestic He family afford to invite a wife? We need two rural girls to teach the family's daughter-in-law?"

He Jiajie spoke coldly, his face full of sarcasm.

(End of this chapter)

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