The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2005 How dare you offend me

Chapter 2005 How dare you offend me

He Yuru's heart beat violently, and she subconsciously argued, "Fourth brother misunderstood, I didn't mean that..."

He Xiuxiu on the side frowned slightly, always feeling not very good.

Sure enough, before He Yuru finished speaking, He Jiajie sneered coldly, "Don't play tricks here, it's not your turn to point fingers at my He family's affairs!"

According to him, it is absolutely possible for them to stay.

Now not only He Yuru became impatient, but even He Xiuxiu couldn't hold back anymore, lest that idiot He Yuru say anything to offend others, she would not care about other people's eyes, and only wanted a chance to stay.

Therefore, she almost blurted out, "Our sisters are definitely not the masters of the fourth sister..."

"To shut up!"

He Jiajie couldn't take it anymore, he wasn't interested in talking nonsense with them.

"I don't have time to listen to your nonsense!"

He Yuru and He Xiuxiu were blushed by his scolding, but they were unwilling. They only had one chance, and once they missed it, it would be gone.

So, He Xiuxiu's eyes fell on He Xiner, "Fourth sister, we sisters really want to befriend you, and we also hope that you can study and read well. Fourth brother, he misunderstood."

The gazes of Qiao Sisi and the others fell on He Xiner's pretty face, as if they were afraid that she would be deceived, which made He Xiner laugh uncontrollably.

"I won't bother you two about my affairs."

He Xiner's tone was indifferent, her attitude was alienated, and she rejected the two of them without leaving a trace.

Seeing her so ignorant of flattery, He Yuru blushed with anger, and revealed her true nature under anger, "I really don't know good people..."


He Jiajie jumped up at the table, glaring at He Yuru, full of aura, "Don't pretend to be a wolf with a big tail here! You are worthy of your kindness! It's just a plan to stay in He's house to fight the autumn wind, but you still think everyone else is a fool." Stupid, can't see it!"

These words were scolded mercilessly, without the slightest scruple that a fourteen or fifteen year old girl could bear it, and she was really a bastard.

The corners of He Xiner's mouth twitched.

The rest of the people looked at each other in blank dismay, all pursed their lips tightly, and said nothing.

It's not to blame for He Jiajie's anger, it's because this person is too difficult, not to mention interrupting his well-arranged barbecue feast, but also making him want to vomit.

In front of Nangong Han, being scolded to the point of blood, He Yuru was so ashamed and angry, her face was on fire, red as if dripping blood, He Xiuxiu was not much better, she was also ashamed and embarrassed, and she wished she could Find a crack in the ground and drill in.

"you you!"

He Yuru's seven orifices were filled with smoke, and he became more and more unscrupulous, "My father is the patriarch, if you dare to offend me, you won't be afraid of the future..."

"Master, I'm afraid! It's a joke to support scholars with your family's three acres of Susukida without the money my family has invested in the clan!"

He Xiner was dumbfounded.

What does the fourth brother mean, the patriarch is using the public for personal gain?

This is not impossible.

However, this fourth brother of hers is also a very interesting person. She looks ignorant, but knows everything. Except for reading, she is good at everything else, and there is no one else.

The other little girls present were also dumbfounded, and when they looked at He Yuru again, their eyes became more subtle.

On the side, He Xiuxiu seemed to be struck by lightning, so it was like this, no wonder the patriarch's family could afford all the men to study.

No, she has to talk to Grandpa about it.

And the person who was most shocked was He Yuru.

She opened her mouth wide, stared at He Jiajie with her eyes straight, her face full of disbelief, she shouted hoarsely, "You are talking nonsense!"

"You're just annoyed at me for saying that He Xin'er can't read Chinese characters in front of everyone, and you've lost the face of your He family, so you said such things to retaliate against me!"

This brain circuit is really strange, and I don't know how she came up with it.

He Xiner was amazed.

(End of this chapter)

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