Chapter 2006 I Was Wrong

He Qingqing, who was the first to bring up the topic of reading, was extremely annoyed. She blamed her for knowing that the fourth sister grew up in the countryside, so she must not have had the opportunity to study, so she accidentally brought it up, but in the end, this person with ulterior motives used it to humiliate the fourth sister. .

It pissed her off.

None of the other women knew about He Xin'er's background, but seeing that she was beautiful, had an outstanding temperament, and had a good conversation, talking with her was very relaxed, like friends who had known each other for a long time, and they were very harmonious, so they were willing to talk to her socialize.

Those who can't read and write are their friends, so they won't dislike them.

It's just that it's not easy to argue in front of He Xiner, lest she lose her face.

Therefore, when He Yuru was clamoring, the little girls were furious, but they couldn't vent their anger.

Following He Yuru's voice, the entire pavilion was so quiet that a needle could be heard, a gust of wind blew by, the curtains swayed, and the silver bell rang softly, crisp and melodious.

He Jiajie smiled coldly, and was about to scold someone, Nan Gonghan had already said, "Fourth Cousin is smooth, thin, delicate and agile, she has not practiced hard for many years, and she will never achieve this achievement."

Hearing this, all the little girls changed their faces. He Qingqing, Qiao Sisi and others all smiled, saying that the fourth cousin has a good temperament, she is a smart and energetic woman, it is impossible for her to be illiterate~
He Yuru and He Xiuxiu couldn't believe it.

How can it be?

For a wild girl who grew up in the countryside, it would be good if she could read two characters, but how could she be able to write good characters.

If you want to practice good handwriting, let alone waste paper and ink, you have to copy famous calligraphy stickers, and if you want to achieve small success, it is not possible to achieve it overnight.

Over the years, the cost is not a small number.

Even if people in the countryside have money, the expenses of pens, ink, paper and inkstone can only be spent on men, and women can't get fame in exams, who would waste money on women.

Just like He Yuru, she just borrowed the light from her elder brother to have books to read, and she only knows a few words, so she doesn't have to be blind.

Writing is impossible.

The family will not let her waste paper and ink.

So He Yuru and He Xiuxiu decided that there were some inaccuracies in Nangong Han's words, and they were just flattering He Xiner's face.

Immediately, the two became sour.

Especially He Yuru, she stared straight at Nangong Han with a look of grievance, "It turned out that I was wrong, I shouldn't have said that, it's all because my fourth brother didn't listen to me, so I said something If you are angry."

She thought that she couldn't directly refute the other party's words, in front of so many people, she couldn't save his face, right?

So she took the initiative to admit her mistake and retreated to advance.

It's a pity that Nangong Han didn't respond to her, and didn't even give her a look, drinking tea on his own.

He Yuru continued to stare at him pitifully, thinking that he was gentle and charming, and would definitely impress the noble young master in front of him, but he didn't know that this appearance, in the eyes of everyone, would only add to the jokes.

Qiao Sisi, Liu Min and the others secretly looked at her. They obviously didn't like her for her style, and they all curled their lips in disdain.

He Xiuxiu rolled her eyes, wondering what she was thinking.

The atmosphere at the scene was indescribably cold and silent, a good party was messed up, He Jiajie was restless, and said again, "Master, I don't want to see such a face, don't be shy here. I'll go away."

He Yuru and He Xiuxiu's expressions changed greatly, "Our sisters are guests when we come to the house, is this how fourth brother treats guests?"

"You have a really thick skin!"

He Jiajie sneered, it's come to this point, and he still insists on not leaving, it's not thick-skinned or something.

After all, they are young and girls, He Yuru and He Xiuxiu, two women who are used to domineering and domineering in the clan, once they are so despised by others, no matter how thick-skinned they are, they can't love them.

"You, you... Whoa whoa—"

(End of this chapter)

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