The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2007 It's not good to make trouble

Chapter 2007 It's not good to make trouble
He Yuru's face was swollen purple, and her chest heaved sharply with anger. Finally, her eyes turned red and she began to cry. Then she moved, but she didn't want to take the cloak and leave, but went straight to Nangonghan with her head down. "Fifth Cousin, look at him..."

Nangong Han quickly got up and avoided.

The handsome and flawless face was covered with a layer of frost, chilling and cold, and a pair of deep and quiet eyes were as sharp as ice blades at this moment, stabbing straight at He Yuru, although he did not reprimand him, his disgust was beyond words.

He Yuru really felt that his heart had turned cold.

Even He Xiuxiu didn't expect him to react in such a way. Originally, she was a little cautious, but now it seems that it is very difficult to succeed.

Unavoidably some account.

She is not stupid, of course she knows that her status is not worthy of the noble son of the uncle's mansion, but this kind of opportunity is rare, and she is really unwilling to do nothing, so she wants to plot something secretly.

He Xin'er is not as thin as He Xin'er. He Xiuxiu is already a girl of Jiji. Her body has grown up, plump and moist, with protruding front and back. Although her facial features are a bit plain, her figure is really good, graceful and sexy. hot.

She is very confident, as long as a man touches her body, he will be fascinated by her.

And as long as she holds the other party's heart, it doesn't matter if she is inappropriate or not.

But if you want to calculate, you have to have a chance.

The matter of getting into people's arms in public is something that a fool like He Yuru can do, but anyone who wants to save face will not play such a scoundrel.

But now He Yuru not only offended He Jiajie, but also attracted the disgust of Mr. Nangong, and even took her with her, so what should I do?

He Xiuxiu's quick calculations, when she was not sure about taking down Nangong Han in one fell swoop, she didn't dare to act rashly, for fear that she would be self-defeating and be disgusted by the other party, and she would never have another chance.

But if you want to find the right opportunity, you have to stay.

Thinking of him as a noble son, he came all the way from Fucheng, it is impossible to go back immediately, he must stay overnight, so only by staying can he think of another way.

But now, He Jiajie already hated them, the others couldn't speak, and the only one who could take advantage of them was He Xiner.

"Fourth sister..."

Just when He Yuru cried and told He Jiajie that He Jiajie was going too far, He Xiuxiu walked up to He Xiner in twos and stretched out her paws to grab her hand, but He Xiner quickly dodged her.

"I don't like flirting with people, please respect yourself."

He Xiner's brows were cold, she frowned and glanced at her, extremely indifferent and alienated.

Hearing this, both He Jiajie and Nangong Han looked over and frowned. Even Qiao Sisi and the others were impatient. At first, He Jiajie felt that it was a bit too much to push the two little girls away, but now it seems that it is not too much .

It's really hard for these two people to deal with each other.

You said that everyone is eating, drinking, talking and chatting here, relaxed and at ease, how pleasant it is, but these two people jump out again and again to scare people, it is really annoying.


He Xiuxiu hated secretly, she wished she could throw He Xiner into the ice pond.

"Fourth sister, I..."

"Come on!"

He Jiajie roared suddenly, startling everyone, Liangzi and Shunzi hurriedly responded, "Yes, what is the fourth young master's order?"

"Go find some women and get these two away!"


Both He Yuru and He Xiuxiu were dying of shame and anger, their faces were as red as blood, wishing they could find a hole in the ground and get in.

Just as the two servants turned and walked out, He Xiner said loudly, "Fourth brother, forget it. It's the old lady's birthday, it's not good to make a fuss."


He Jiajie snorted softly, but did not refute her words. Seeing this, the two servants retreated.

"If you don't want to be thrown out, just get out quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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