Chapter 2008 is very beautiful
After calculating for a long time, they didn't get anything, and they were scolded and rolled away repeatedly. He Yuru and He Xiuxiu felt ashamed, and finally left crying.

After this commotion, everyone lost interest in eating.

He was not hungry at first, but he was sullen for a while, and he was already full.

Furthermore, the pavilion is not as comfortable as a warm house in a greenhouse. After sitting for a long time, I feel cold under my feet, so He Xiner suggested to go back. The girls didn't hesitate, they all took their cloaks and put them on, talking and laughing with Nangong Han , He Jiajie said goodbye.

Nangong Han's gaze followed He Xiner's figure through the light gauze curtain.

He Jiajie squinted at him teasingly, clicked his tongue, and was about to speak when he heard the sound of footsteps, looked subconsciously, and couldn't help turning black.

"Hey, I want to drink a glass of wine in peace, why is it so difficult?"

It turned out that the news that Nangong Han and He Jiajie were drinking in the pavilion had already spread, and He Chuer, He Qier and the others were moved, but the small pavilion was already overcrowded, and if they hurriedly came together, they seemed too eager some.

After all, it's not good to look at.

So I can only give up.

Now that group of unsightly people had finally left, and a group of people who pretended to be wandering casually poured in immediately.

Among them are He Chuer and her good friend Pei Qinglian, He Qier and her good friend Gao Mengyao, and the other girls are all from the top families in Lin'an County, including Gan Xueying, Si Waner, Feng Meiqing, Ding Xiaoling, Zhang Feifei, Yue Peiyi, Shen Lin, Xu Qian.

"Fifth cousin, fourth brother~"

The silver bell rang softly, and the white gauze curtain was raised high. He Qier walked in first, and her eyes fell on Nangong Han, which was surprisingly bright.

He Jiajie raised his eyebrows and ignored her.

Nangong Han nodded to her gently, but didn't speak.

He Qier was a little embarrassed.

The treatment of He Chuer, Fei Qinglian and others who came in from behind was not much better, which made a bunch of little girls feel lonely and anxious.

As the masters, He Chuer and He Qier felt that they couldn't hold back.

He Chuer can still hold her own, and she won't speak rashly when the situation is unclear, but He Qier is a thin-skinned person, in front of all the little sisters, being treated coldly by others, she feels that His face was dull, and he wanted to regain some face by thinking about the law.

With a twinkle in her eyes, she smiled obediently, "Fourth brother and fifth cousin are really in a good mood."

Her good friend Gao Mengyao also joked, "This pavilion is well-kept, and it looks like smoke from a distance, which is very beautiful."

He Jiajie, who arranged the place here, was not happy with the other party's compliment, but frowned impatiently, "Cousin, let's go?"

"it is good."

Nangong Han couldn't wait any longer.

He is not interested in dealing with a group of Yingying Yanyan.

So the two brothers, under the service of the servant, put on thick coats, and then walked away.

All the little girls were dumbfounded.

He Qier and Gao Mengyao felt their faces were burning hot.

It was He Chuer who smoothed things over, saying that everyone was tired after walking around for a while, so it would be nice to rest here.

Everyone agrees.

So, He Chuer ordered the maids around him to call a few rough maids, cleaned up the messy tables and tables, took clean tea sets, made tea again, and prepared pastries and fruits. He held a tea party.

It's really not good to run after Nangong Han, they also want face.

He Xiner's group, who had left earlier, went back to the greenhouse and played cards, attracting Tang Baoqin, He Shuling and other little girls to join in the fun.

If it wasn't because of the cold weather in winter that they couldn't sit outside, such a birthday banquet would require a theater troupe.

Today, the He Mansion didn't invite any theater troupe, but there were quite a few fun things to do, such as throwing pots, playing chess, playing cards, etc. Every place was surrounded by a few girls, laughing and joking, so it was very lively.

The women who came to celebrate the birthday had already gathered a group of old ladies and returned to Songhe Hall. Without the elders, all the little girls let go and had a great time.

(End of this chapter)

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