The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2009 Just close the door

Chapter 2009 Just close the door
At this time, just after the end of the day, it is the warmest time of the day. However, the weather that will be clear and cloudless is suddenly covered with dark clouds, and the sky becomes dark.

The wind suddenly picked up, whimpering and roaring.

Heavy snow fell one after another like fluff, and as the cold wind blew harder and harder, the snow became denser and denser, and it was impossible to see anything more than a few feet away.

What follows is that the temperature is lower, which can make people lose their ears.

Before, the sisters of the Qiao family clamored to go to Qingxinyou to see big white geese, white foxes, peacocks and other small animals. They said they still wanted to play with Dabai. Unfortunately, the weather was not beautiful, it was as gloomy as the night, and this snowstorm might last for a while. Will not end.

They had no choice but to say goodbye with the elders in the family. Before leaving, they held He Xiner's hand reluctantly, and made an appointment with her to play together during the Chinese New Year.

This was a heavy snowstorm. In less than two quarters of an hour, the snow on the ground was already half a foot thick. The guests in the county took advantage of the heavy snow and the roads were not closed, but the guests who came from afar had to stay overnight. .

Nangong Han, who was far away in Fucheng, naturally couldn't make it through the snowstorm, and the patriarch and his party stayed overnight.

He Yuru and He Xiuxiu were overjoyed, they were so happy that they got the big ingot.

He Xiner was indifferent to their fate.

After entertaining the guests for a long time, she was already tired, and went back to the Qingxin secluded house despite the wind and snow, and fell asleep after a simple wash, until she was woken up by the big white goose, her mind was still a little dazed.

The sky outside was gloomy, and the vision in the room was dim. Because she was on her lunch break, she didn't turn on the lights, and He Xiner, who was drowsy, thought it was the middle of the night.


The big white goose was screaming ferociously, and there was a faint noise. He Xiner rubbed her eyes and turned around to look at the foot of the bed. Dabaiceng stood up and kissed her affectionately. Her black eyes were shining, showing that she was in a good mood .

"My dear boy, do you know who is outside?"

He Xiner rubbed its big head with a smile. Its fluff is fluffy and soft, and its body is warm like a small stove. She really can't put it down.

A person and a dog were kissing each other, and Xiao Yu walked in with the curtain in one hand and a candlestick in the other, "Miss, are you awake?"

"Well, what time is it?"

He Xiner looked up, her eyes were black and white, she had a slight smile, and before Wei Yu could answer, she asked again, "What's going on outside?"

Wei Yu first replied, and now it's five o'clock, and then said with an unhappy face, "Then the granddaughter of the patriarch's family is here again, clamoring to see Miss, I really don't know what it means."

I really don't know what to say.

He Xiner frowned slightly, and turned her head to look out. Naturally, she didn't see anything. It was just a subconscious movement. She asked again, "Is it still snowing?"

"The general will stop. If not, according to the method, there will be a snow disaster."


He Xin'er pondered for a while, and said, "Find some rough maids to clean up the snow, and give them more rewards."

The sanitation in the yard is the job of a few little girls, but snow removal is really hard work in this cold day, and she doesn't want all the little girls to get chilblains.

"Hey, the servant girl will make arrangements in a while."

The cry of the big white goose and the voices of Xiao Xing and the others came from outside again, Wei Yu frowned, "Miss, do you think you want the maid to go to the housekeeper?"

"Forget it, the old lady's birthday is a festive day, so I won't touch that dark spot. One more thing is worse than one less thing."

"Just close the door."

He Xiner has no interest in disgusting herself, so she will never let those two enter her house.

Facing the cold wind that could break people's bones, He Yuru and He Xiuxiu stood outside the door of Qingxin Youju for a quarter of an hour, had a great meeting with a few little maids, talked a lot of good things, but couldn't get in.

The weather was extremely cold, and the two of them felt that they were going to freeze, so they wanted to go into the house and drink a cup of hot tea to warm up their bodies, but it was useless to let them say that the sky was broken, and the little girls would not let them go.

Can't help secretly annoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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