The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2010 Don't Get Closer Here

Chapter 2010 Don't Get Closer Here

"Our sisters are on good terms with the fourth younger sister, and we came here to talk about ourselves, what are you doing to you little hoofs, let me get out of the way!"

He Yuru didn't have a good temper at all, she just wanted to get some benefits from He Xiner, and listened to her grandmother's words, so she patiently put on a gentle and virtuous appearance, but it's a pity that she said a lot in a gentle manner Good words, a few little girls don't buy it at all.

Feeling that she was about to freeze into an iceman, she couldn't bear it anymore, and yelled at the top of her throat.

Shouting so loudly that her voice was about to break, she still couldn't help herself, so she just kept going, and suddenly stretched out her hand and pushed Xiao Xing to the ground in front of her, "Get away!"


"Xiao Xing!"

Xiaotao and the others were taken aback, and hurried to grab them. Xiaoxing, who fell on the ground, screamed in pain, and was extremely annoyed, and shouted, "Stop them!"

But He Yuru and He Xiuxiu took advantage of their haste and ran into the courtyard.

The two big white geese immediately attacked the two with their heads held high. Although it would not hurt to be twisted by it through the thick cloak, when they attacked ferociously, they would not only twist people, but also fly and jump. Get up and slam into people.

And even if it doesn't hurt to twist someone, the ferocious energy is still quite frightening.

The two screamed in fright, but they still didn't give up and went straight to the upper room.

But before reaching the corridor, Xiao Yu appeared at the door with Dabai, Dabai looked at the two quietly, the disdain in his eyes flashed past.

If He Xin'er hadn't told him not to do anything to the little girl, it would have rewarded each of them with a paw.

"Xiaoju went to the front yard to invite the elder, Xiaoli to the housekeeper, Xiaotao to the patriarch, Xiao Xing to the patriarch's wife!"


He Yuru and He Xiuxiu were taken aback, they hurriedly yelled to stop shouting, it was a misunderstanding, they didn't come to make trouble, they came to make friends with the fourth sister.

Being chased by two big white geese, the two couldn't stop at all, they could only run and shout, panting from exhaustion.

Wei Yu sneered, "My lady is not familiar with the two of you, so don't try to make friends here. If you don't leave, don't blame us for being rude."

There was a big dog blocking the road in front and a big goose chasing after them. Seeing that they could not succeed, He Yuru and He Xiuxiu had no choice but to leave in desperation.

If you don't go, you can't do it.

Although the big dog does not bark or growl, its eyes are really scary, and it looks like a calf. When it stands there, it looks majestic and arrogant, as if looking up. Claws can crush them to death.

Even with their courage, they dare not beat it away.

They couldn't get in the house, they were chased by fierce geese, and they were threatened to send rescuers. No matter how unwilling they were, they had no choice but to leave.

The two of them were about to step out of the courtyard gate, and the red lacquered gate behind them was slammed shut. He Yuru and He Xiuxiu subconsciously turned around to look, and saw that the gate was closed tightly, and there were a few little girls pointing at Sang and scolding Huai from inside, and they were so angry The hearts of the two of them ached.

The hot-tempered He Yuru scolded a few times, what a cheap bastard, what a little hoof, what kind of harsh scolding, not at all like a young girl who has not been married, but like a vexatious shrew.

He Xiuxiu's face was livid and she persuaded her a few words before she gave up.

After running a few laps in the snow nest, my stiff body was warmed a little, but the shoes were poured with ice slag and snow particles, and my feet hurt from the ice. A gust of cold wind blew like a knife on my face. The skin is about to burst.

Even though He Yuru was angry, he didn't have the courage to yell.

She was the one who suffered the cold wind.

Facing the cold wind, they finally returned to the guest courtyard with deep feet and shallow feet. As soon as the two of them stepped into the room, they hurriedly took off their shoes, entered the bedroom screaming, and jumped onto the kang in twos and twos. As soon as I got under the quilt, I shook it into chaff.

(End of this chapter)

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