The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2011 This heavy snow is going well

Chapter 2011 This heavy snow is going well
The upper room of the guest courtyard is burning with a fire wall, and several braziers are also placed, and the room is as warm as spring.

The dormitory is not a canopy bed but a heated kang, which will be very hot. Old Han and old Dong are sitting cross-legged on the top of the kang, drinking tea and knocking sunflower seeds around a small table.

The scented tea served by He Mansion is naturally top-notch, the soup is clear, light green and bright, the tea fragrance is quiet and elegant, and the taste is mellow and refreshing, taking a sip leisurely is a pleasure, the two of them squinted their eyes in comfort.

This heavy snow is falling well~
Not to mention the joy in the hearts of the two old ladies.

While muttering joyfully in his heart, He Yuru and He Xiuxiu ran in with a ghost chasing after them, wailing, which startled the two of them.

"Ouch, what's the matter?"

"Snow scum is still hanging on the cloak. How can one sleep under the blanket just like that? Take it off soon!"

The room was warm, and the head of the kang was burning hot. The two people who had been frozen into ice sculptures covered the quilt and shook for a while, until they felt warm again, and then they felt alive again.

He hurriedly took off the cloak, and hurriedly scooped up the cup of tea and poured it down, finally heaving a sigh of relief.

"It's so damn cold!"

"Bah! Bah! What nonsense are you talking about, who dares to scold God? Spit out and wash it away!"

Old Han reprimanded her with a black face, but He Yuru, who was scolded, did not dare to answer back, and hurriedly followed suit, not forgetting to act coquettishly and foolishly, and coaxed Old Han to smile before giving up.

The patriarch's family, Ding Xingwang, has more than ten grandchildren in total, and there are six granddaughters alone. Only He Yuru is the most favored, not only because she is the granddaughter of the head of the house, but most importantly, she is the most flattering.

He Yuru can be said to be domineering and domineering outside, and he is not much better for a group of cousins. It is not that the old Han is ignorant, but because she looks the most like himself among all the descendants, and she is the most flattering, It hurt her a little more.

But no matter how much old Han loved her, he couldn't surpass Jinsun.

The reason why he wanted to marry He Yuru so wholeheartedly was not all for her, but more for calculating how much she would help the family in the future.

If she can marry into a noble family, she will not only help the family with a little money in the future, but also provide a good future for her grandchildren.

Therefore, after seeing Nangong Han, the old Han family immediately started to think carefully, and put Zhou Zuan, who was optimistic about him before, into the back of his mind.

She really deserves to be He Yuru's real grandmother.

The grandparents and grandchildren had exactly the same idea.

However, she is not a naive He Yuru, but she does not dare to think about the position of wife, she just wants to be able to send her to the uncle's house to be a concubine and she is satisfied.

So when he heard that Nangong Han treated He Xiner differently from others, he counted on it and taught him every word, until He Yuru and He Xiuxiu remembered that they were familiar with each other, and then sent them away.

The reason why he brought He Xiuxiu was naturally because he knew his granddaughter's temperament, without her helping her, it would be very difficult to get things done.

As for whether the two of them could persuade He Xiner, she felt that she was [-]% sure, and the remaining [-]% ​​would be settled when she found an opportunity to say a few more words.

She is just a yellow-haired girl who is not as good as she is, without her own mother by her side, her grandmother doesn't want to see her, and she has a gap with her first-in-law's eldest sister, and she doesn't even have anyone to talk to herself, so she only needs to use a little tricks, scare her a few times, and she will lose her mind. Isn't it at the mercy of others?

At that time, let alone asking her to bring the eldest girl into the uncle's mansion, even if she is asked to buy a decent dowry for the eldest girl, she has to obey obediently.

In this regard, the old Han family is full of confidence.

However, people who have been calculating for a lifetime will sometimes be blind, such as now.

"You mean, you two didn't even go in through the door?"

"If we can go inside and have a sip of hot tea, we won't be frozen into icemen."

He Yuru was furious, and He Xiuxiu was full of resentment.

Old Han and old Dong looked at each other with ugly faces.

(End of this chapter)

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