The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2012 Can't help but look twice

Chapter 2012 Can't help but look twice

As the richest family in Lin'an County, the old lady's birthday naturally needs to be celebrated with great grandeur.

Every birthday, there must be a big three-day banquet, no matter who it is, as long as they say a few auspicious words, they can enter the banquet.

That's really flowing money thrown out, just to make it festive and lively.

It can be seen that the old lady's status in the mansion is absolutely supreme.

This year is not a whole birthday, but there is no running water table, but it was supposed to be lively all day, because of the bad weather, the guests who came to celebrate the birthday left early, and the busy people had a rare good sleep, unlike in previous years as tired.

Just enough energy to continue the family dinner in the evening.

No matter how cold the weather is, don't delay eating, right?

He Xiner thought about the bad weather and was worried that Ye Xusheng would catch cold if he came and went at night, so she sent Dabai to send him a letter asking him not to come over at night.

On the other hand, I packed up neatly, and rushed to the flower hall facing the cold wind with only light rain.

Then she was surprised to find that not only Nangong Han and the patriarch were there, but also more than a dozen women, the older one was about 40 years old, and the younger one was not yet 20 years old.

He Xiner was a little confused, but Wei Yu whispered, these people are all aunts and concubines.

The old lady was born in a family of officials and officials. She had always been well-mannered and arrogant. She looked down on her aunt and concubine status. She never welcomed them, let alone go to pay her respects. Therefore, He Xiner had never met these people.

When she didn't go to school in the past, she didn't walk around the mansion much, so it's normal that she hasn't seen her.

But thinking of not seeing these people during the Mid-Autumn Festival, but appearing neatly at the old lady's birthday banquet, the corners of He Xiner's mouth twitched.

Even if you don't want to see them, why let them come?

Is it just for a few more rings?

Watching group after group of servants kneel down and kowtow, wishing the old lady a happy birthday, He Xiner sat quietly and watched the excitement, but in reality her mind was wandering and her thoughts were flying wild.

Shouldn't this kind of birthday worship be held early in the morning?
I don't know why I picked such an hour.

After all the servants left, a group of Yingying Yanyan's aunts and concubines kowtowed to each other, and the family banquet officially began.

The patriarch, the head of the house, and Nan Gonghan are added to the gentlemen's side, and it is not crowded at all. The big red rosewood table is not only elegant, but also very spacious. It is not a problem to sit around a dozen people.

So on the female family's side, old Han, old Dong, He Yuru and He Xiuxiu were added, and they could still sit comfortably.

The aunts and concubines divided into two small tables, a little farther away from the main table, even so, these people did not dare to make any noise, for fear of disturbing the old lady's elegant mood.

It doesn't add to the chaos at all.

He Xiner is not interested in these people, but is very interested in the patriarch, who is dark and thin but hale and hearty, with a gray beard.

I can't help but look twice.

The old man's face was wrinkled and his beard was gray. If he ignored his shining eyes, he would be no different from an ordinary country old man.

There is no patriarch in Yejia Village, but I have heard that the patriarch of a big family has a high status and great power. He is in charge of the affairs of the clan and can determine life and death.

And because of He Jiajie's words before, He Xiner couldn't help being curious, and it was normal to look a little more.

But in the eyes of others, that's not the case, they all think she is looking at Nangonghan frequently.

Both He Chuer and He Qier were a little displeased, while He Yuru and He Xiuxiu were yelling and cursing secretly, what kind of foxes, what shameless people, and they scolded them dozens of times in their hearts, but when they thought of the old Han's confession, , I dare not show half of it on the surface.

No matter how much they despise her, they have to admit that as the Fourth Miss of the He family, her status is much higher than theirs.

Just because she has a very decent dowry, she is better married than them.

And her He family is related to Uncle Yongchang's mansion, and Mr. Nangong treats her differently...

(End of this chapter)

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