The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2014 Little face turned pale with fright

Chapter 2014 Little face turned pale with fright
Old Han's words had no beginning and no end, and they were a bit inexplicable, so it was not easy to answer rashly, who knows what she is planning.

The graceful and dignified old lady only responded in vain, and praised He Yuru and He Xiuxiu casually, saying that they are good children.

The old Han curled his lips secretly, and the smile on his face became more and more kind. He agreed with a few words, looked at He Xiner kindly, and suddenly burst out laughing, "Ru girl and Xiu girl don't understand the rules, so they dare I recklessly ran into your yard and disturbed your rest. It was really outrageous. When I got back, I reprimanded her a few times. She knew she was wrong and wanted to apologize to you, but she was too thin-skinned to speak up. ~"

Hehe, that's an interesting thing to say.

The women at the table were all thoughtful and meaningful.

He Xiner's face was indifferent, and she didn't respond.

Seeing that the old madam and the second madam didn't intend to speak, old Dong just assumed that they didn't want to see He Xiner, so she lifted up her arms, and the old god said, "If you ask me, this is not a big deal. They are all sisters of our own family, and they are about the same age, so they should walk around more."

The old lady seemed to be impatient, and said lightly that it was such a reason, saying that it was all her own people who should not be born.

Some people want to stir up trouble, but she can't see it.

But it's no wonder she's happy to cause trouble at her most important birthday party.

Besides, she didn't want to see He Xiner anymore, and she wouldn't step on her to praise the two vulgar country girls. It was impossible for her to give He Yuru and He Xiuxiu some face.

"In any case, these two girls are acting shamelessly, even if they are contradicted by the little girl, they deserve it."

Old Han's face was full of ridicule, as if he wanted to laugh at the two ignorant children.

"Ms. Ru still doesn't say no to the fourth girl!"

The old Han family and the old Dong family have a clear division of labor, one is a red face, the other is a bad face, and the co-author runs on He Xiner.

And He Yuru, who was warned by her mother's eyes, also had her acting skills on the line, raised the wine cup timidly, and whispered, "It's my fault, I disturbed the fourth sister, I hope my sister will forgive me."

With a low-key posture, he has a full tone.

He Xiuxiu also followed closely, expressing some humility, which was more sincere than He Yuru's attitude.

He Xiner's face was calm, calm, her eyes like clear springs glanced at the two of them lightly, and said in a clear voice, "You two sisters are polite."

He Yuru was so pissed off!

He Xiuxiu was so angry that her chest hurt.

This man is too, too—

The two couldn't think of a suitable word to describe it, and felt that He Xiner was arrogant.

Old Han's and old Dong's were also secretly angry. A yellow-haired wild girl who hadn't yet entered the genealogy dared to show their faces.

They didn't deliberately suppress their voices when they spoke, but the second master at the next table was making friends with the patriarch and the head of the house, talking and laughing loudly.

However, both He Jiajie and Nangong Han were meticulous, and they were sitting at the bottom, so they could see clearly what was happening on the side of the female relatives, even if they couldn't hear clearly, they could still get a general idea.

Nangong Han's eyes were deep and quiet, and his face was like water.

He Jiajie sneered with the corners of his lips curled up.

"Let me see, these four girls are too cold-tempered. My sisters are just hanging out with me. Even if it disturbs her rest or is inconsiderate, it's not a big deal. Just a few jokes and it's over. .

But this girl is serious, in such a cold day, she didn't even invite people to the house for a cup of hot tea, and even let the little girl release a big white goose to scare people..."

The old Mrs. Dong who was in charge of singing bad faces couldn't hold back his temper any longer, and scolded He Xiner with a sullen face.

"I'm sorry, you didn't see these two girls in such a mess, their little faces turned pale with fright, and there was a ghost chasing after them, yes, they ran back screaming, and my sister-in-law and I were shocked. .”

The old lady's face darkened slightly.

The second wife, the three young mistresses, He Chuer and He Qier all had weird faces.

(End of this chapter)

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