Chapter 2015 This is easy

The old Han and the old Dong exchanged glances quietly, none of the women at the table stood up to support He Xiner, it seemed that the girl was indeed not liked by others.

This is easy to do.

It's good that He Xiner is not welcome, but it's also true that no one dares to mess with her.

It's a pity that the two old ladies don't know this.

"Although these two girls look upright, they are actually very timid. Being frightened by those two fierce beasts, they almost lost their souls."

The old Dong's sales were miserable, and his tone was distressed, but when he turned his head to look at He Xin'er, he was a little aggressive, "Si girl, you disregarded the friendship between sisters and let goose hurt people. It's too much."

He Xiner was still indifferent, calm and composed, not surprised by favor or insult.

The old lady sitting upright, her brows twitching with anger, these old bastards come to the door every year to beat the autumn wind, and now they eat and drink her and don't give her a little peace, they really don't know what it means.

The point is that it's not good who you want to provoke, but if you provoke that evil star, isn't it a problem for her?

Seeing that the old lady's face darkened again, the old Han hurriedly said, "Siblings are too, they are already old, what do you care about with a child, how old is the fourth girl? She is still a child who is not as good as Ji, It’s not uncommon for me to lose my sense of proportion when I’m annoyed when my dreams are disturbed.”

She suppressed the old Mrs. Dong, then turned her head to appease He Xiner, "Don't be afraid, Siss, we didn't mean to blame you, it was her fault, even if she was frightened, she deserved it..."

He Xiner frowned slightly, going around this matter, her patience was almost worn out.

The old Han who was talking vigorously didn't know what she was thinking, so he only followed He Xiner's words according to the words he had planned in advance.

If someone with a narrow mind were to be bullied again and again in front of a room full of people, he would have been ashamed long ago, and wished he could hide in a hole in the ground.

However, He Xiner is not one to let others lead her by the nose. Her state of mind is as calm as water, without waves and waves, and she is not affected by her in the slightest.

"We are a family. It's okay for the two girls to suffer some grievances. If it's an outsider, the fourth girl should restrain her temper, so as not to offend others for nothing."

The old Han's earnestness is all for the good of the other party, which is quite touching.

He Xiner...

She picked up the teacup, slowly drank the tea in the cup, then put it down in an orderly manner, raised her eyes and smiled, "The patriarch grandma said so."

Old Han hit the cotton with his fist, and it was so wet that he wanted to vomit blood.

It's no wonder that Ru'er suffers again and again, so it turns out that this girl still has this kind of heart, seeing her keeping silent, she seems to be soft-tempered, but she turns out to be a recalcitrant.

The old Mrs. Dong at the side was also very angry, and was about to reprimand severely again, when He Jiajie from the next table asked loudly, "Fourth sister, why didn't Dabai come?"

As soon as these words came out, not to mention how the old lady's heart was shaken, even the second lady, Mrs. Jiang and others all changed their faces in unison.

The second lady blurted out without even thinking about it, "Don't listen to him, fourth girl, there won't be any troubles in a day like this."

Although the others didn't shout, they all looked apprehensive.

The old Han family, the old Dong family, He Yuru, and He Xiuxiu were all puzzled by Monk Zhang Er.

He Xiner turned her head to look at He Jiajie, and just met Nangong Han's light. She didn't think about him, and after she nodded with a slight smile, she naturally spoke to He Jiajie, "Madam's birthday, relatives and friends are here , don’t let it come out, so as not to hit anyone.”

He Jiajie glanced at the old Han family with a deep expression, "Dabai has always been well-behaved, but he never took the initiative to provoke anyone."

He snorted disdainfully, "It's better than some people looking down on others and making trouble again and again."

(End of this chapter)

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