Chapter 2016

It's not that dogs look down on people.

Why don't you see them pestering He Chuer and He Qier?
Didn't she decide that He Xin'er's time back home was short, and she didn't have a mother to protect her, and she had no root or foundation in the He family, so she thought of a way to hold her in her hands in order to gain benefits.

Seeing that the table was full of female relatives who did not stand up for her, she became even more complacent. It is really shameless for two old ladies of half a hundred to bully a little girl who is not as good as others.

They were sure that He Xin'er was young and her seniority was too young, so she didn't dare to stand up to them, so they became unscrupulous. Who would have thought that no one from the women's side stood up for her, and someone jumped out from the gentleman's side, He scolded them all for being a bastard, and his attitude was extremely arrogant.

Old Han and old Dong almost pouted in anger.

They are elders, how dare that kid!
But no matter how angry you are, you can't point it out, that's a coward.

At home, they are also the ones who are in charge of the family, and now they are criticized by a junior, and they are directly scolded like dogs. No matter how scheming and superficial people are, they also change their faces.

Old Han's old face turned livid and turned bruised, and old Dong's face was not much better, his face turned into a pig's liver color, and his seven orifices were so angry that they were about to smoke.

He Yuru and He Xiuxiu gritted their teeth with hatred.

The atmosphere is a little weird.

Everyone at the women's table pretended to be dead, and at the men's table, except for the second master, everyone was taken aback by He Jiajie's sudden outburst.

Then Eldest Master He Hongjin's eyes flickered, looked at He Jiajie and reprimanded in a deep voice, "It's a great day, don't speak nonsense."

"Yes, my nephew noted it down."

He Jiajie is very respectful.

The second lady looked over suspiciously, she felt weird.

The little bastard had never had such a good attitude when talking to his father, but he actually listened to his uncle like this.

Old Han has always been good at pretending, no matter who he talks to, he always has a pleasant face, and he is even more kind when facing the juniors. Now, although he is furious in his heart and can no longer hold a gentle smile on his face, he tries his best to control it and does not want to get angry.

And the old Dong was a little bit impatient, the dead boy was too rampant, and it was inappropriate to dare to speak so rudely in front of all the elders.

Can't you hurry up and admit the quarrel, can't you find someone else to say a few words?

It's just that before she could figure out how to speak, He Hongjin spoke up, reprimanding He Jiajie lightly.

What does this mean?
Old Han's and old Dong's hearts skipped a beat, they both looked at each other in surprise and doubt, and then quietly looked at the face of the patriarch.

The patriarch squinted his old eyes halfway, and gave the two of them a cold look.

He was about to find an excuse to ask Hongjin for money, but these two old fellows were bullying his daughter in a blatant manner.

What does Ming Hongjin think?
I really don't know.

Old Han has been with the clan for decades, and he knows what it means with just one look, which annoys her.

She hated in her heart, could that brat He Jiajie be stupid, he actually helped the girl in the next room to speak, he really didn't distinguish between four and five, this is the time when he forgot that when the Song family was in charge, his mother was almost untenable up.

And He Hongjin, didn't he never care about the affairs of the back house, why is he acting abnormal today~
Seeing that He Xiner didn't intend to summon Dabai, the old lady who was sitting at the top breathed a sigh of relief. Her violently beating heart was finally at ease, and she was in the mood to watch the show.

It was the first time seeing old Han and old Dong suffer such a big loss, she was very interested to see their old faces change from blue to purple, she felt refreshed.

The old lady had a decent smile on her face, and gave He Jiajie a loving look, "I think you're drunk, what kind of nonsense are you talking about? It's a good thing there are no outsiders, otherwise you'd be rude .”

He Jiajie was not that serious to the old lady, he curled his lips and smiled mischievously, "It is said that he spoke the truth after drinking, isn't the grandson just telling the truth~"

(End of this chapter)

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