The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2022 Who Will Believe It

Chapter 2022 Who Will Believe It

On the night when the Zhou brothers moved to the inn, Zhou Zu'an became sober, but his head was so dizzy that he didn't even dare to sit up, he would vomit even if he moved a little, and he became dizzy even more.

His body was so bad that he was really scared, and he didn't dare to do it anymore, so he lay down obediently to recuperate.

Seeing him wake up, Zhou Zurong secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, he is the grandson held by the old man in the palm of his hand. If he just entrusted his life here, he would not be able to deal with the old man.

Seeing that he finally recognized the reality and kept silent about the He family, his heart became more at ease.

Zhou Zurong picked up the money in his hand, carefully calculated and arranged the daily expenses, and was full of hope that someone from the family would come and rescue them back.

If you are not in charge of the family, you don't know how expensive Chai Mi is, and now he finally understands it.

The doctor suggested that they use some old wild ginseng to nourish their bodies, but he was afraid to buy it, for fear that he would run out of money and be thrown on the street by the people in the inn.

In the cold weather, spending the night outside at night is absolutely dead.

Zhou Zurong not only sighed again, such a day is really too aggrieved.

Think about the scene when you came to He's house in previous years...

Forget it, everything can only wait for the old man to decide.

Unfortunately, what he didn't know was that something happened to Zhou's family in Fucheng. The only two small shops were in constant trouble. Mr. Zhou's sons were not able to handle the matter, and he had to personally deal with it if there was any problem. , worrying about getting tired, not to mention getting angry, getting sick after coming and going.

Zhou Zurong's first letter was rather tactful and not too serious, so the Zhou family didn't take it seriously. No matter how the He family was, they couldn't ignore their aunt's face. Can really suffer.

Put the one on the other side aside beforehand, so naturally they are anxious about the immediate matter first.

The second letter was really asking for help from the family, and the tone was urgent and urgent. Unfortunately, the road was blocked by heavy snow and it was difficult to walk. The letter was still lying down and sleeping in the station, and Zhou's family didn't know it at all.

Zhou Zurong is doomed to wait~

Connecting two heavy snowfalls not only blocked the road, making it difficult to travel, but also reached a new low point in the cold. Walking outside for a quarter of an hour can freeze your ears off.

It was extremely cold.

Old Han, Old Dong, He Yuru, and He Xiuxiu, who lost their way outside in the cool breeze at night, all fell ill, and their illnesses were severe. All four of them were burning like a stove, their faces were flushed, and their lips were chapped.

People are burned out.

The little maid who was on duty early in the morning was shocked when she saw the appearance of the four of them, and hurriedly reported to the second wife. The old lady came forward.

In the same way, the old lady also cursed bad luck, but she didn't express her dissatisfaction on the surface. She said that it was because of the cold weather, if she didn't check for a while, if she got a cold, she might have a headache.

He also said that he came to the house as a guest, and when he fell ill in He's residence, he had to ask a doctor to see a doctor and get medicine. The second lady said that she deserved it, but she lowered her head and rolled her eyes while she was not paying attention.

What kind of character she is, the old lady knew the door, she knew she was making small moves when she lowered her head, she didn't bother to look at her, she didn't have to respond, she said a few more polite words, and sent her away.

"After sitting for a while, I'm tired too, you all go down."

When the second lady left, the old lady waved her hand away, and also waved away the maidservants who were close to her, and holding the hand of Nanny Ji, she got up and went into the dormitory.

"Those two old things are really strong. They don't do any rough work in the country. They are as strong as they are. When they come to our house, they become squeamish. They get sick when they say they are sick..."

With a soft snort, she continued, "There are also those two savage girls who can eat and drink. They are dark and strong, and they are even weaker than the young lady who is pampered by the mansion. Hehe, who will believe it?"

(End of this chapter)

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