The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2023 How dare they think

Chapter 2023 How dare they think
Early in the morning, He Chuer, He Qier, and He Xiner all came to pay her respects. They were all in good spirits. They looked a bit frozen and wilted, not at all. Affected by this damn weather.

So in the eyes of the old lady, how could something happen to He Yuru and He Xiuxiu, two out-and-out rural girls.

If there is something wrong, it is also pretending.

Ji Nanny's eyes flashed, and with a sneer, she whispered, "Life in the countryside is hard, and it's even harder in this cold weather. How can we have a comfortable life in our house?"

Thinking about it, they were in the countryside, and they didn't even have the use of a brazier, so they could only suffer in the cold.

Now that he is a guest in the mansion, he eats well, lives well, and is warm, so he is naturally reluctant to leave.

The old lady snorted slightly, "That old fellow of the Han family has always been good at pretending. He is obviously poor, but he still has a music score, which seems to be some kind of character."

"Whoever says it's not, she's just an authentic country old woman, who somehow got the face to take Joe in front of the old lady."

Mother Ji helped the old lady take off the maroon ermine cloak with two breasts, and hung it on the brightly painted, elegant nine-string hanger, and put it away properly, so as not to get wrinkled.

The old lady took a soft pillow by herself, leaned on the soft couch, and said with a contemptuous smile, "Over the years, she has paid attention to it, and she will never stay behind after her birthday. ~"

"What does the old lady mean?"

Rubbing the old lady's shoulders and kicking her legs has always been the work of second-class maids, and Nanny Ji won't do it.

Now that the two of them were talking to each other, she had nothing to do, so she took a brocade stool and sat down, while beating the old lady's legs, she opened her mouth suspiciously.

The old lady reached out and poked her forehead lightly, and said with a smile, "You old bastard is actually confused, you still can't see this clearly?"

Nanny Ji's eyes widened suddenly, her face full of disbelief, "What does the old lady mean, those two poor bastards are interested in Mr. Nangong?"

Seeing the old lady's disdainful snort, she almost exclaimed, "How dare they think?"

That is Uncle Yongchang's mansion, a noble family, Nangong Han is the second son of the eldest son, a noble son of an aristocratic family, those two vulgar wild girls are not enough to clean the courtyard in his room grid.

They dared to miss Mr. Nangong, and they didn't know who gave them the courage.

"That old guy has a big heart. He asked me about Zu'an before. After seeing Brother Han, he immediately thought about it again. Pooh! I don't even look at what kind of stuff my own is! It's really a toad who wants to eat swans Meat!"

The old lady was always dignified in front of people, and never spoke harshly, this time she was very angry, and since there were no outsiders, she couldn't bear to swear anymore, and felt relieved from the bottom of her heart.

Nanny Ji followed her tongue and scolded a few words, she was nothing more than a poor scumbag, unable to get on the stage or something, every sentence touched the heart of the old lady, the more she listened to it, the happier she was, the corners of her lips kept smiling, and her old eyes Amazingly bright.

"Those two girls are also wild-minded. They only want to climb high, but they are stupid as hell. They keep making troubles and lose face without knowing it."

Mother Ji thought of something, the smile on her face froze slightly, she slightly raised her head to look at the old lady, and whispered carefully, "Young Master Nangong..."

Hearing this, the old lady narrowed her eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice, "The second girl and the third girl go to Fucheng every year, and the boys from the Nangong family have seen it."

The two masters and servants looked at each other, thinking of He Xiner's alluring appearance, their hearts sank slightly.

If there is no previous incident, they will be happy with their success.

The old lady's face was as deep as water, her eyes were deep, and she was twirling a string of agarwood beads, silent.

Nanny Ji endured the fear in her heart, moved forward, and said with a low voice, "How does this old servant look, Miss Si doesn't seem to be..."

Having said that, when she thought of that brocade box, she still couldn't help but feel terrified.

In the same way, when that incident was brought up, the old lady felt bad all over, and became tense in an instant, unable to relax no matter what.

She coughed lightly, and said in a deep voice, "Don't mention that again."

"Yes, the old slave remembered it."

(End of this chapter)

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