The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2024 It's None of Your Business Here

Chapter 2024 It's None of Your Business Here

She didn't go to school for a few days, and He Xiner, who was used to being lazy, sat upright all morning, feeling backache, backache, and leg numbness.

After finally getting out of class, she thought of going back and resting on the couch.

As a result, as soon as she walked out of the gate of Ruyi Garden with Dabai and Weiyu, He Jiajie blocked her, "Fourth sister, go with brother!"

"Huh? Fourth brother didn't go to the academy?"

He Xiner, who was looking at the road with her head down slightly, was suddenly startled by his voice, and when she came to her senses, she tilted her head and blinked, staring at him curiously.

He Chuer and He Qier looked over in an instant, and stood still with their eyes rolling.

"Hey, the road is blocked by heavy snow, my cousin can't go back to Fucheng, it's so boring to be alone, don't I want to accompany him?"


He Xiner nodded, expressing her understanding.

"Fourth Brother~"

"Where is the fourth brother going to play?"

He Chuer and He Qier were always thinking about Nangong Han, but they couldn't go to the front yard alone to look for him, they still couldn't bear to stick to him, girls still need to be reserved.

They were originally concubines, if they were not reserved, they would be looked down upon even more.

But such an opportunity is really rare, and it is always unwilling to miss it in vain.

So the cat's paw scratched their hearts, itching and stinging, which made them restless and restless, and they didn't even listen to the teacher's lecture.

Hearing He Jiajie's words now, there is still something he doesn't understand. Not only did he play with Nangong Han by himself, but he also brought He Xiner along.

He Chuer's teeth were sour, and He Qier's stomach was sour, and she became angry just looking at He Xiner.

She gave He Xiner a sideways look, and wanted to say something sarcastic about her, but her eyes subconsciously turned around Dabai's body, and she couldn't help feeling terrified in her heart, so she dared not say anything.

He could only focus on He Jiajie.

They are the people in the second room, his biological sisters, okay?
It's a pity that He Jiajie, as his own brother, didn't like them very much. He gave them a sideways look, and waved his hands impatiently, "Go, go, it's none of your business here."

The expressions of He Chuer and He Qier changed drastically, but He Jiajie didn't care at all. When his eyes fell on He Xiner's fair and white face, he immediately smiled like a flower.

"My cousin understands that he wants to treat him to dinner, so he asks the fourth younger sister to go with him."

The corners of He Xiner's mouth twitched, she rolled her eyes speechlessly, "Why does Fourth Brother's words sound so awkward?"

"Hey, isn't Dabai your younger brother? Why are you still jealous of him?"

What are these words?

He Xiner couldn't laugh or cry.

"My cousin heard me talk about Dabai's hunting, and he was so envious that he wanted to take him hunting if he had the opportunity."

"Okay, if you have time, just take Dabai to play."

The two brothers and sisters were walking, chatting as if no one else was around, and He Chuer and He Qier, who followed closely, were jealous and envious. They knew that the fifth cousin liked big dogs, and they...

But think of the great white lion's roar.

Forget it, forget it.

This kind of big dog is not easy to find.

And since they really didn't dare to provoke such a big dog, it was too fierce.

Seeing that He Jiajie and He Xiner were about to turn a corner, He Qier couldn't help but panic, "Fourth sister, fourth sister..."

He Xiner was startled, turned her head to look, and asked in a calm voice, "Miss San, is something wrong?"


Seeing that she was still saving face, He Qier's eyes lit up immediately, and she hurriedly said, "It's okay to go back, my second sister and I will play with you too, okay?"

He Jiajie frowned and took a deep look at her. Thinking of something, his eyes flickered, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly sarcastically, but he didn't say anything unpleasant.

They have an hour's lunch break, and it's okay to go out for a meal in a carriage.

But He Xiner didn't plan to go, she still wanted to go back and rest.

(End of this chapter)

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