The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2025 Brother 4 is kidding

Chapter 2025 Fourth brother is joking

The guest is Nangong's cousin, it has nothing to do with her, why ask her?

He Xiner was a little confused, but she didn't struggle.

"I'm going back to rest. If you want to go, go with fourth brother."

He Chuer was slightly surprised that she couldn't speak.

After hearing this, He Qier almost jumped up excitedly, trying hard to suppress the urge to look up to the sky and laugh, her little face was blushing, and she looked at He Xiner with warm and eager eyes, "If the fourth sister If you're tired, go back and rest..."

He Jiajie snorted coldly, and said quietly, "My cousin wants to invite Dabai, and even the fourth younger sister is accompanying me, so what does it have to do with you?"

He Qier, who was full of surprises and surprises, suffered [-] points of damage in an instant, her little face froze when she was so excited, and then twisted with anger, she was not as good as a dog with her.

Even He Chu'er, who was poking secretly and happily, also changed her face drastically, but she could hold her own, and she didn't turn her face on the spot.

It's just that I don't feel well.

She pulled the corners of her lips, showing a blunt smile, and said softly, "Fourth brother is just joking~"

Who the hell is in the mood to joke with you? He Jiajie rolled his eyes contemptuously. He Xiner grabbed his sleeve when he was about to speak again. She said helplessly, "Fourth brother, stop messing around. It’s too embarrassing for outsiders to listen to the words.”

He Jiajie chuckled, "Then please just invite you, my cousin is bored here, and I want to ask you to borrow Dabai to play, so I specially reserved a table at Hefenglou, and I want to express my gratitude."

The corners of He Xiner's mouth twitched.

This is indeed a talent, there are reasons anyway.

Early in the morning, before dawn, two maidservants yelled her to get up. She was a hundred times reluctant, but she couldn't bear the torture of the two of them, so she could only get up in a daze. squinting.

That's all, if you want to say hello and attend lectures, she can't help but sleep in.

He Xin'er sighed softly, sat upright for a long time, and was looking forward to going back to catch up on some sleep at noon, this is good, don't even think about it.

"It's my cousin's hospitality, so let's go."

Having said all this, it would be a bit hypocritical not to go. She first replied to He Jiajie's words, and then continued, "There are no outsiders in my relatives, let's go together, two sisters."

She has never called He Chu'er and He Qier like Second Sister or Third Sister, because she couldn't say it.

Let's shout together, that's fine.

He Chuer and He Qier were a little bit reconciled, as if they had been honored by her, but, in fact, it seemed—that they had been honored by her.

Shocked in their hearts, the two hurriedly put aside this thought, responded with fake smiles on their faces, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

In any case, it is always good to have more contact with the fifth cousin.

He Jiajie ignored the two of them, he happily walked in front of Dabai while supporting him.

The three of He Xiner sent all the maids back, and followed He Jiajie quietly and calmly to the Chuihua Gate and boarded the carriage.

Nan Gonghan is a scholar, like Zhou Zu'an, a student of the government school in Fucheng, they are also relatives, but the Yongchang uncle's mansion only recognizes the direct branch of the Zhou family, and it doesn't pay attention to a common branch like Zhou Zhenliang.

The reason why they have close contacts with the He family is that they each get what they need.

Therefore, Nan Gonghan and Zhou Zu'an are ordinary classmates at best, and they don't have much contact with each other on weekdays.

When he came to the He family this time, he thought he would meet the Zhou family brothers, but he didn't see any of them. Out of curiosity, he asked a lot, but was dismissed by He Jiajie.

I think that He Jiajie is a real person, how could he know the dirty thoughts that kid Zhou Zuan had towards his fourth sister.

There is no need to ruin the reputation of the fourth sister.

Nangong Han didn't think much about it, he was just thinking about the academy, then he thought of Zhou Zu'an, and asked casually.

In order to be able to see He Xiner, he asked for a three-day vacation, but Uncle Yongchang was very dissatisfied, thinking that he was confused.

The county examination is in February of the new year, and the time is tight. If you don't hurry up to study in order to pass the test in the next year, you still run around, not because you can't figure out what it is.

(End of this chapter)

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