The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2026 Drink a Cup of Tea to Warm You Up

Chapter 2026 Drink a Cup of Tea to Warm You Up

As the second son of the direct line, Nangong Han cannot inherit the title, and he can only take the imperial examination if he wants to become an official.

He hasn't passed the boy's test so far. Uncle Yongchang naturally pays close attention to his studies. He works hard on weekdays and his knowledge is solid. It's just that his luck is not good. He took the county test three times, but he didn't persevere because of physical discomfort. down.

Both the master and Uncle Yongchang of the college have high expectations of him, and the management is stricter. It is not easy to ask for a three-day vacation.

Therefore, no matter whether the road is good or not, he will go back tomorrow.

According to his original plan, He Jiajie invited He Xiner to come out in person, and of course he had to bring Dabai with him, so he went out to play with her for a whole day on the grounds that he didn't care about Dabai.

Who would have thought that she would go to the school early in the morning, which made his plan come to nothing.

If he had known this earlier, he would have made an appointment yesterday.

Things have come to this point, it's useless to think too much, he can only find another way to see her.

In winter, the nights are long and the days are short, and when she leaves school at the next hour, the sky will already be gloomy, and it will be inconvenient to ask her out at that time.

As a last resort, I had to make an appointment outside during her lunch break.

With his hands behind his back, Nangong Han stood in front of the street window of Tingyuexuan on the third floor of Hefeng Building, staring at the pedestrians on the street intently.

Although that kid He Jiajie said that he would definitely bring his fourth sister with him, he still had some doubts in his heart.

After all, it was a little rude to stop someone so suddenly, and it would make sense for her to refuse.

Finally seeing the He family's carriage, Nangong Han stared at it expectantly.

After the carriage stopped and Dabai quickly jumped out of the carriage, he felt relieved, and the corners of his lips fluttered uncontrollably.

Especially the moment He Xiner appeared, his eyes were so bright that they were as bright as a star. At this moment, she was the only one in his eyes.

As He Chuer and He Qier got out of the car successively, the four brothers and sisters brought Dabai into Hefeng Tower, completely out of his sight, and he realized belatedly that she did not come alone.

Nangong Han's eyes flickered lightly, feeling relieved.

"Cousin, here we come."

"Five cousin~"

"Five cousin~"


Just when he was slightly distracted, He Jiajie led Dabai ahead, opened the door happily and walked in, and then He Chuer, He Qier, and He Xiner filed in.

Nangong Han immediately came back to his senses, turned around and greeted him with a slight smile.

He was wearing a straight gown of crab shell blue silk, and a belt embroidered with cloud patterns in silver thread of the same color. On top of his hair was only an ebony hairpin, which was simple and restrained, elegant and elegant.

His face is like a crown of jade, his body is tall and straight, and with a slight smile, it makes people feel refreshed and refreshed.

He Qier was almost insane.

Even He Chuer was slightly distracted.

For them, Nangong Han is the flower of Gaoling, which can only be seen from a distance but cannot be touched.

It was the first time that I had such close contact with him, and he smiled so beautifully, it was hard not to be tempted.

Nangong Han was gentle and elegant, with a personable demeanor, smiling lightly and chattering, He Chuer and He Qier happily responded, his eyes were still a little obsessed, his eyes swept away without stopping.

When she turned to look at He Xin'er, her eyes were clear and bright, the fundus of her eyes fluctuated like hot springs, and she was extraordinarily gentle.

"It's cold outside, wash your hands quickly, and drink a cup of hot tea to keep you warm."

He Xiner obediently smiled and agreed, and with the help of the little maid who served in the private room, she took off the cloak, hood, and put the hand stove on the side, cleaned her hands and rubbed the balm, and calmly and calmly walked to the rosewood Sit down at the carved wooden table.

She smiled and looked at He Jiajielou holding Dabai in all kinds of fawning and obedient manners, but she never noticed the amazement in Nangong Han's eyes.

"Cousin, drink tea."

"Thank you cousin."

It wasn't until this time that He Chuer and He Qier realized that the cousin He Xiner had been calling was very natural and intimate.

Immediately, both of them felt uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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