The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2028 It's really tacky

Chapter 2028 It's really tacky
He Xiner's eyes lit up, she clapped her hands and smiled, "Brother, that's a good idea, it's interesting to think about it."

She smiled and looked at He Jiajie, "When we brothers and sisters brought Dabai into the mountains, we knew that we hunted pheasants, rabbits, and wild boars for meat. It's really vulgar."

A young girl with picturesque features, with snow-like skin, a flowery smile, and high spirits between her brows, with a youthful and lively atmosphere, full of vigor, innocence and agility.

Nangong Han was almost insane, his heart was already pounding.

It's just that he has always been able to stand still, and with He Chu'er and He Qier watching over him, he will not lose his courtesy and add trouble to He Xiner.

What's more, her eyes are clear and her thoughts are straight. When she looks at him, her eyes are as clear as a pool of clear springs, without a trace of shyness and coyness. It can be seen that she is still a little girl at heart and doesn't understand love.

While he felt as if he had found a treasure, there was also a trace of melancholy. When would she understand her own heart?
But don't be in a hurry, she's not ready yet, and it's not time to talk about marriage, so she's fine.

He can wait.

Nangong Han's eyes flickered. Next year is the year of the autumn exam every three years. For her, he must go all out.

"Fourth sister's words made my brother very sad~"

He Jiajie held his chest and hummed pretendingly, "Cousin hunting is an elegant thing, brother hunting is vulgar. Fourth sister is too partial!"

"Hehe, my fourth brother is not vulgar at all, even a little bit is not vulgar. It's my younger sister who is vulgar. I always think about eating game. It's really unbearably vulgar."

It was rare to see him like this, He Xiner felt it was funny, and hurriedly spoke to comfort him, but the tone sounded like coaxing a child.

He Jiajie couldn't laugh or cry, "The fourth younger sister looks like a little fairy, with a refined temperament, but she has to call herself vulgar, isn't this a joke?"

"Fourth brother is used to joking, how can you say such a thing, people will listen to it, and make fun of us brothers and sisters for being arrogant."

Being praised by him like this, He Xiner immediately burst out laughing, and felt embarrassed, her cheeks were flushed with pink, and the water waves in her autumn-like eyes flowed faintly with brilliance, making her throbbingly beautiful.

Nangong Han's heart, which was about to calm down, was inadvertently teased by her again, and his heart skipped a beat.

He naturally agreed with He Jiajie's words, but he didn't like to praise him directly, lest she think he was frivolous.

"There are no outsiders here, so it's okay for my brothers and sisters to joke around."

"The fourth younger sister is naturally beautiful, so I'm just telling the truth."

He Chu'er and He Qi'er were almost sour, they were full of resentment, they were nothing more than country girls, if they said that they had no temperament, it was really flattering her.

The two were about to die of jealousy, but it was not easy to say anything about her in front of Nangong Han, so Yu Jia felt aggrieved.

And He Xiner couldn't laugh or cry, "Talk about hunting properly, why is it getting further and further away?"

Nangong Han also smiled and said, "Yes, it's interesting to talk about hunting."

So, he chatted with Dabai again with full of interest, which was just right for him.

He Xiner loved Dabai the most, so he naturally wanted to value Dabai, and it was also to avoid suspicion. In front of He Chuer and He Qier, whatever he said would leave people talking, so he could only circle around Dabai.

After chatting lively for a while, someone knocked on the door, and it turned out that the food was delivered.

Several waiters came in one after another carrying trays, and the two maids serving in the private room hurried forward to arrange the meals, and it turned out that the table was full. There were only two soups, and all the dishes were the signatures of Hefenglou dishes.

There are five of them in total, and Dabai is not too much, which is too extravagant.

"I don't know what the cousins ​​like, so I want some. Cousins, you are welcome. If you still like it, just tell me."

Nangong Han was gentle and personable, greeted them with a slight smile, and said, "Cousins ​​have classes in the afternoon, so it's not advisable to drink alcohol. I made my own decision and ordered juice. The cousins ​​will use it."

(End of this chapter)

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