Chapter 2029 Give Dabai Some

He Chuer and He Qier finally found a chance to talk, and they naturally wanted to grab He Xiner's head, "I'm really sorry for the trouble, Cousin."

"My cousin is too polite, we sisters are really sorry."

Nangong Han smiled slightly, "We are real relatives, we are all on our own, cousins ​​don't need to see outsiders."

He Chuer and He Qier were ecstatic, they wanted to hit the snake with the stick and have a heart-to-heart talk with him, but unfortunately Nangong Han turned around and left them aside after being polite, and concentrated on entertaining Dabai.

Yes, it is Dabai.

He really wanted to serve He Xiner some vegetables, but he couldn't, so he put all his enthusiasm on Dabai, and together with He Jiajie, he took good care of him.

"Come on, this braised elbow is crispy, soft and glutinous, mellow and not greasy, Dabai will also try it."

"The sweet-scented osmanthus duck in Hefenglou is pretty good, cut half of it and give it to Dabai."

“The steamed lion head is also good.”

"Furong chicken slices are smooth and tender, give Dabai some."

He Xiner felt comforted by being treated so kindly to her beloved pet, she was even happier than being nice to her, always with crooked eyebrows and smiling faces~
She drank juice and ate generously, and talked about Dabai's interesting stories with the two of them from time to time. The three of them and one dog were in harmony, and the atmosphere was extremely good.

As for He Chuer and He Qier, no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't get in. They could only hold their breath and eat in silence.

It took more than half an hour for a meal, and the few people drank tea and chatted for a while, and it was getting late.

He Xiner and the others still had classes in the afternoon, Nangong Han was reluctant to part with him, but when the time came, he had to send her back obediently, and then reluctantly watched her enter He's residence before going to play with He Jiajie and Dabai.

It is said that He Yuru and He Xiuxiu, who are ill, have been thinking about Nangonghan all the time, it is rare that they are both in this mansion, they are so close, and they can meet each other at any time, it is really an excellent opportunity to get close to him.

It's a pity that at such an important time, he fell ill.

As the saying goes, sickness comes like a mountain, and sickness goes like a thread, isn't it true?

After discovering that all of them fell ill, although the He family invited a doctor to see a doctor in time and treated them with medicine immediately, it was impossible for the medicine to cure the disease, and they immediately became alive and well.

One dose of medicine can bring down the fever and gradually wake up is already good, how can I have the strength to get out of bed and run around.

But He Yuru was in a hurry, because she was afraid that Nangong Han and Sister He Xiner would fall in love if Nangong Han and Sister He Xiner were to fall in love first.

According to her grandma's wishes, it would be good for her to enter the uncle's mansion and be a concubine, but she is not reconciled.

Everyone's surname is He, who is more noble than the other.

As long as she is the first to establish a relationship with Mr. Nangong, then she will be a legitimate wife.

As for the lack of money at home to buy a decent dowry, there is nothing to worry about.

She is going to marry into the uncle's house, it is the glory of the He family, and she will protect the family in the future. He Hongjin's family can also be honored, so naturally she has to contribute.

Hmph, it's not enough if there are few things~
He Yugu, who was almost lost in the bright future imagined by her own brain, wished she could stick to Nangong Han directly, but when she woke up in a daze and impatiently finished her meal, she realized that she was already Near noon.

She was in a hurry, so she called the little maid from the guest house and asked her to go to the front yard to find out where Nangong Han was.

The maids in the guest house are in charge of the sanitation of the guest house and the board and lodging matters of the guests, not her personal personal maids. Such inquiring about news is not within the scope of their duties. If she is more generous, It's not impossible to give more rewards.

However, she is a poor person with red lips and white teeth, who will listen to her.

This is not like combing hair and putting on make-up. If you don't listen to her, no one can make a difference.

Therefore, the little maid called Qing Zhi flatly rejected her unreasonable request, and made He Yuru stare with anger, "You little bastard, how dare you disobey my lady?"

(End of this chapter)

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