The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2035 Why Are You Pulling Me?

Chapter 2035 Why Are You Pulling Me?

The little maid was not interested in seeing her smirk, she said coldly, then turned and walked into the yard, ignoring the two of them.

He Xiuxiu leaned back angrily.

He Yuru's eyes were tearing apart.

"Ah bah! A dog's eyes look down on people, how dare you treat Miss Ben so lightly..."

Before he could finish cursing a sentence, he heard the little girl who hadn't gone far shout to the anteroom in a low voice, "Come here!"

He Xiuxiu was taken aback, and hurried to pull He Yuru, "Stop messing around!"

"Why are you pulling me? Did I say something wrong..."

When the two were tugging, a group of women with thick waists and round arms appeared out of nowhere, all staring at them fiercely, as if they would pounce on them at any time and tear them apart.

Both He Yuru and He Xiuxiu were horrified, and subconsciously shut their mouths, not daring to make any more noise.

The little maid twisted her waist and walked in front of the two of them, rolled her eyes in disdain, and said coldly in a low voice, "You dare to run into the wife's yard to make trouble, don't you think it's too comfortable?"


He Xiuxiu held his breath and said, "This is all a misunderstanding, our sisters are not here to make trouble."

She poked He Yuru quietly, signaling her to speak softly quickly, but he was not a master who was willing to suffer, so she didn't want to be condescending to a servant, it wasn't embarrassing enough.


He Yuru stubbornly turned his head away from them, and snorted coldly provocatively, it was not time for the general to change his complexion drastically in fright.

She will recover now, she will never bow her head to this servant, not to mention that the other person is just a little maid next to the second lady.

And she is the granddaughter of the head of the He family.

With her status here, she couldn't believe that these bastards dared to touch her.

He Yuru, who knew her well, could tell what was going on in her heart just by looking at her.

Can't help being extremely angry.

At this time, this idiot is still showing off, he really doesn't know what to say.

"Can our sisters go in and wait... Gululu—"


She was about to negotiate with the little maid again, even if she was waiting for someone, she couldn't let them wait at the door with the cold wind blowing, she really couldn't bear it.

She had just written the belly draft in her heart, and before she could speak, her stomach let out a loud growl, which was heard clearly by everyone in the circle.

This sound seemed to be contagious, as soon as she stopped there, there was a roar in He Yuru's stomach, the sound was no less than hers.

After a while, He Xiuxiu's face turned red, feeling ashamed and ashamed.

But He Yuru was full of resentment. Before, she was afraid of shame, so she couldn't just catch a servant and cry, but now she can't care about it. She is about to go crazy with hunger, and she really can't bear it anymore.

"We came here as guests, and we came with the patriarch to celebrate the old lady's birthday. It's appropriate to entertain the old lady, but your evil slaves deceived the master, cut off our soup, medicine and food, and sincerely wanted us to starve to death. This matter is yours. Madam doesn't care? If not, we'll go to the front yard and ask Uncle to make the decision."

The second wife already knew about this.

It should be said that there is not a single maid in Ruixiangyuan who is unaware.

Just imagine that no matter how courageous the green branches and green leaves are, it is impossible to completely abandon their picks and ignore the guests.

Don't talk about anything else, just say that in such a cold day, the patient's food, soup and medicine are cut off, as well as the heating in the house. One bad thing can kill people.

They are not so courageous.

But I was too angry at the time, so I left in a fit of anger, and I was afraid of being punished afterwards, but I thought that if I went back obediently, I would still suffer from those useless anger, so I asked someone to discuss it.

It turns out that Qingye's aunt is the lady in charge of the second wife. People call her mother, and she is in charge of the warehouse in the back house. She is quite talkative in front of the second wife.

So, he learned He Yuru's domineering and domineering style vividly from the second wife.

The second wife, Mrs. Liu, who was already dissatisfied with the bumpkins, didn't like it when she heard about it, and she also hated the old Mrs. Dong for running on her son before, so she secretly wanted to teach them a lesson, and these things happened now.

(End of this chapter)

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