Chapter 2036
He Yuru desperately yelled outside the gate of Ruixiangyuan, and tried to force his way in, but failed.

There are more than a dozen women, how can we let her be rude.

Besides, what she complained about was what the second wife secretly agreed to, so how could she decide for her.

Therefore, she is destined not to see the second lady.

A few burly women supported He Yuru and He Xiuxiu, dragged them out for about a hundred feet, then pushed them, and cursed severely, "Nothing dares to act wild in He's residence, and you don't want to piss to take care of yourself. What virtue!"

He Yuru and He Xiuxiu couldn't stand steadily, and both fell to the ground.

The two of them were already sick, but they were starved again, they were even weaker, they were also full of anger, their bodies were even more uncomfortable, they were top-heavy, limp and weak, they could not be dragged and struggled.

Normally, they are the only ones who bully others. How often have they been humiliated like this? People practiced, and fainted under extreme anger.

The women didn't take it seriously at first, they just hugged their arms and talked sarcasticly. After a while, they felt that something was wrong. They were also afraid of making a big fuss. Closed, face like gold paper, fell to the ground motionless.

Everyone was shocked.

"These two people are so incomprehensible that they passed out with just a slight push."

"Ouch, if you touch this head, it's hot, it's all turned into a small furnace."

The women looked at each other in blank dismay, "What should I do?"

"The dripping water outside is freezing, so we can't let them ignore it, or they may kill people."

"Then how about taking him back first, and then reporting to the Second Madam?"

"That's all."

Although what they did before was ordered by the second wife, but it was obviously beyond their expectations, and all the women became a little uneasy.

On the contrary, the second lady didn't take it seriously when she heard it. The country girl is so stubborn, how could she become so squeamish when she arrived at He's mansion, she just wanted to stay in the mansion and not leave.

Hmph, what was the idea, when she couldn't see it.


The vulgar things are even inferior to the maids in her room. How dare you think about Uncle Yongchang's mansion, it's just a dream.

The Second Madam is still thinking about marrying He Chuer and He Qier into Uncle Yongchang's mansion. After all, she is also a concubine under her name. She will be promising in the future, so she can also find a good future for her son.

He Yuru and He Xiuxiu rushed to Nan Gonghan's side with pale faces in such a hurry, even a non-blind person could tell, how could the second wife not be annoyed.

This is to compete with her for benefits, so it's no wonder if you don't get annoyed.

It's about the reputation of her daughter's family. It's not like other things. No matter how contemptuous she is in her heart, she can't talk about it. When she is upset, He Yuru hits the gun, and with the old Dong's troubles before, she always loves to hold grudges. Second lady, it's only normal to take advantage of the situation to rectify a few people.

In the end, He Yuru and He Xiuxiu were carried back to the guest house by the wife of Ruixiangyuan.

It was Shen Shizheng at that time, old Han and old Dong were sitting on the kang head that was still slightly warm, surrounded tightly, they were so hungry that they were so weak that they were about to faint.

The brazier that was lit early in the morning was already completely cold, and the chill in the room was not much better than outside.

And the east wing was even more bleak, because the top of the kang was cold, and the whole room was gloomy and cold, it didn't seem like anyone had lived there.

Xu's mother, who was instructed by the second wife to come here to deal with the aftermath, touched the cold kang and frowned. She squinted her eyes and glanced around, and said, "Go get the quilt on the bed, and then burn the kang quickly."


"Tian Er's family is going to decoct the medicine."


This time she brought all the thick and strong women, all of whom were quick at work, and they packed them up in a short while, and the medicine was cooked, so Mama Xu ordered them to pour down for He Yuru and He Xiuxiu while pinching their mouths.

(End of this chapter)

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