The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2041 Who Wants You To Control

Chapter 2041 Who Wants You To Control

He Xin'er was a little helpless, but the old lady had spoken and she couldn't refuse, so she hurried back to Qingxin Youju to wash and change clothes.

At this time, it was already nightfall, and the lights were just coming on, and the whole He Mansion was lit up with lights and festoons.

When she rushed to the flower hall in a hurry, she realized that the staff had not yet arrived. Only the eldest master, the second master and the old lady accompanied the patriarch and the head of the house, and all the juniors and female relatives were not present. Nangong Han was not there either.

He Xiner breathed out quietly, if she knew this was the case, she wouldn't rush here in a hurry.

It's so cold that I'm almost sweating, but there's no one left.

After politely greeting the elders, He Xiner sat in her seat and drank tea quietly.

As soon as the teacup was put down, the three brothers He Jiaheng, He Jiayu, and He Jiaxuan first filed in, and then the second wife, He Chuer, He Qier and the three young wives entered the door. Salute and say hello.

The old lady, who was chatting with the patriarch, turned her head to look at the second lady, and asked, "Is there any notice from your two aunts?"

Liu's eyes flashed lightly, and he said with a slight smile, "The two aunts and the two girls are still ill, and it's hard to catch the cold, so my daughter-in-law didn't send anyone to inform me."

The old lady nodded and sighed softly, "It's just a coincidence that all four of them are sick..."

Seeming that something was wrong, she didn't continue, coughed lightly, raised her head again, and said in a deep voice, "Be patient and take care of me. Getting sick in this cold weather is not a trivial matter."

"Yes, daughter-in-law can save it."

The old lady still thought it was not enough, so she gave a few more instructions, such as three meals of soup and medicine on time, the supply of charcoal fire should be according to her, hot water and tea should be prepared at any time, in short, be as careful as you can.

The patriarch He Qingquan's eyes flickered slightly.

The head of the room, He Qingzhong, frowned.

The two only thought that it was Old Han and Old Dong who were pretending to be sick, and they blamed them for self-defeating and missing this opportunity for nothing.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that they can't be blamed, who would have thought that Mr. Nangong would leave so soon.

In other words, Mr. Nangong's family is not afraid of difficult roads in Fucheng, and they are going to rush back. How can they have the face to live anymore?
But with the excuse of being sick, it is justified to stay for a few more days.

As soon as this time came, the two of them had thought carefully, but...

"Fourth sister! Fourth sister!"

When He Qingquan was thinking wildly, He Jiajie jumped in like a monkey, and the door curtain rattled. He screamed, his eyes lit up with excitement, and his hands and feet danced.

At this moment, He Xiner was drinking tea, so she was taken aback by him, and almost spat it out.

"Cough, cough~"

Everyone in the room looked over, He Jiaheng frowned, a little blaming him for being too reckless, before he could speak, he smiled and stretched out his paw to pat He Xiner's back, making Wei Yu have nowhere to start up.

"Fourth sister, don't get excited!"

He Xiner wanted to splash tea on his face.

Where is she excited, obviously she was frightened, okay?

"You're still reckless at how old you are, there's no time to be safe!"

The old lady has always loved her grandson dearly and never scolded him. The second lady is even more reluctant to say a word about him, and it doesn't count when he blows her hair out.

In short, almost no one from the elders of the women's family blamed He Jiajie.

The second master, He Hongzhang, is a hands-off shopkeeper, and the eldest master, He Hongjin, has no interest in taking care of his son for others.

As elder brothers, He Jiaheng, He Jiayu, and He Jiaxuan naturally wouldn't take over the elders to manage him.

That is to say, He Jiajie was pampered and raised by the second wife since he was a child, except for He Jiaming who competed with him back then, everyone else gave in to him.

Now someone actually reprimanded him in public. Before the others could react, the second lady immediately blew up, without carefully checking who opened the mouth, and yelled, "My son is alright, who should you care about?"

(End of this chapter)

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