The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2042 What's the matter with you

Chapter 2042 What's the matter with you
When that clear voice sounded, everyone subconsciously looked towards the source of the voice, and then saw Nangong Han amidst the sharp scolding of the second lady.

At that time, he was still wearing a black fox cloak, standing straight at the door, his figure was as tall and straight as a pine tree, his imposing manner was clear and noble, his pair of obsidian eyes were quiet and deep, with a slight smile on his face, he was looking at He Jiajie lightly.

The majestic Da Baiyuan came in with him, and now he is walking towards He Xiner with graceful steps.

In the end, it was discovered that the person scolded was actually Nan Gonghan, the second lady looked embarrassed, and secretly annoyed, why didn't she see who spoke again.

He Chuer and He Qier's faces were pale, and their hearts were worried, fearing that Nangong Han would annoy the second room.

The second master, He Hongzhang, who had the same thought as them, glared at the second lady with a sullen face, "Brother Han is playing around with Jiajie, what's the matter with you?"

Elder Master He Hongjin frowned and did not speak.

The old lady sitting at the top watched Dabai out of the corner of her eye, she was a little distracted, so she didn't have the mind to take care of the second lady.

It was even harder for other people to mix in, and the scene was a little stagnant.

It was He Jiajie who poured tea for He Xiner courteously, and said loudly, "What are you doing, mother-in-law?"

Ever since Dabai appeared in front of her eyes, the old lady's heart seemed to be pinched by someone, and she couldn't help but tighten, she couldn't relax no matter what, and felt that her breathing was not smooth.

She put all her energy on Dabai, and her reaction was quite slow. It wasn't until He Jiajie spoke that she came back to her senses, and said, "The second brother's family still hasn't apologized to Brother Han!"


The second lady almost jumped up.

Even if the young master of Yongchang uncle's mansion is honorable, how can she say that she is also an elder, and the old lady actually asked her to apologize to a junior in front of so many people, so where is she going to save her face?

While the few people were talking, Nangong Han had already taken off his cloak and cleaned his hands under the service of He Jiajie's servant. Hearing what the old lady said, he hurriedly smiled and said, "What did my aunt say, my cousin is just joking with me~"

The old lady was taken aback, but she didn't expect him to show Liu's face in this way.

Others don't know Nangong Han's temperament, but she often hears from her sister-in-law that although he is gentle and elegant, he is actually very noble, and ordinary people can't easily catch his eyes.

And he has always been deserted, and he doesn't talk much, let alone rescue and intercede for others.

Thinking of this, she gave He Xiner a soft look, with mixed feelings in her heart.

The son of the son of the dignified uncle's mansion, he wouldn't even lift up the unworthy Erfang for the sake of this girl, right?

The old lady's heart sank, she forced a smile, and said gently, "I know you are a good person, you have a soft temper and a soft heart, and you don't care about high-sounding words."

Nangong Han didn't want to dwell on this topic anymore, and said with a slight smile, "It's all our fault for being playful, we came back late, and made everyone wait for a long time."

The old lady smiled and said, "Study is hard on weekdays, but it's rare to play to relax and relax. It's good to have fun."

Nangong Han thanked him with a smile, then greeted the elder master, the second master, the patriarch and the head of the house, and also greeted He Jiaheng and his brothers.

He is well-mannered and gentle, and he has the demeanor of a nobleman in his gestures and gestures. He is calm and introverted, and his advances and retreats are measured, which makes people feel good.

The embarrassment caused by the second wife's ignorance of yelling and scolding melted away unconsciously, and the atmosphere became relaxed and harmonious.

He Xiner raised her eyes to look at him, Nangong Han immediately felt her gaze, looked over aboveboard, and said with a smile, "Thank you cousin for lending Dabai to us..."

"Haha——, Dabai is amazing! Oh, my fourth sister, you should take half a day off to play with us."

As soon as Dabai was mentioned, He Jiajie went crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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