Chapter 2045
"I saw that Si Yatou has a snow-white fur cloak, which is gorgeous and expensive, it's really beautiful."

The Second Madam suddenly went crazy, and looked at He Xiner tenderly, making her scalp go numb.

The weather was extremely cold, but the room was as warm as spring, so He Xiner, who knew the cold and was afraid of heat, wore very thin clothes. When walking outside, she relied on the cloak to keep her warm, and that fur coat was the warmest. , she is wearing it tonight.

But the second lady suddenly brought up this matter, it must not be for gossip.

Seeing He Xin'er pretending to be stupid and keeping silent, Second Madam Liu cursed secretly in her heart, but she was still thinking about the benefit, so she rolled her eyes and opened her mouth, "I heard that the wild animals in the mountains have particularly dense and thick fur in winter. It is soft and warm to make clothes."

As soon as these words came out, He Xiner immediately felt several eager gazes, especially that of the eldest young mistress Jiang Shi.

"By the way, how is the white fox raised by the fourth sister? I think someone will take care of it, and there will be no shortage of food. It must be smooth and smooth?"

He Xiner...

She raised her eyes to look at Jiang Shi, "My elder brother gave it to me, and it was his wish. Naturally, I have to take good care of it, and I can't be sloppy at all."

Jiang shi was pushed back neither softly nor hard, and couldn't help being angry.

He Chuer and He Qier quietly met their eyes, both a little moved, but they didn't dare to speak rashly, so as not to get off the stage.

That's not a good talk.

"Oh, Dabai has such abilities, he can go into the mountains to hunt a bunch at any time and come back. The old ones don't have to worry about the one they raised."

"In my opinion, it's a serious matter to deal with these few first. Do you think this is the reason, Si girl?"

The second lady put on an airy and open-minded appearance, but she deliberately calculated that little thing, which really made people wonder what to say.

He Xiner took two sips of soup slowly, then raised her head, and said with a little confusion, "Why do you want to ask me, Second Madam? Cousin and Fourth Brother took Dabai to hunt, so the things naturally belong to them."

After saying that, everyone at the men's table looked over. The second lady was holding her breath in her chest, and her face turned pale.

The dead girl did it on purpose, she didn't say this a long time ago, she didn't speak until she said it so bluntly, she deliberately made her look bad.

But the dead girl was right, the things were acquired by her son and Nangong Han, at least half of his.

So she laughed contentedly, rolling her eyes and calculating quickly, she always had to give way to the young master of Yongchang's mansion, so she would give him five, but she had to choose four big ones herself. of.

What can four furs do?
Just when the second lady was planning to make a beautiful shawl and a warm bunny, He Jiajie said, "Fourth sister, don't be polite to us, those wild animals are all hunted by big whites, so naturally they all belong to you. Hmm——now that you have a fox fur coat, why not find someone to make a fox fur blanket and put it on the imperial concubine's couch, it will be warm and comfortable."

The second lady was about to blow up on the spot, but suddenly she remembered that Nangong Han was there, so she could only force herself to suppress the scream that had already burst out of her throat, and her face turned red with anger.

This loser's thing!
In fact, a piece of fox fur doesn't have much money, but the whole fur coat is not expensive. With the second lady's financial resources, it's not that she can't afford it, but she just doesn't want to part with it.

But buying leather by herself and finding someone to make shawls, lying rabbits, etc., that little expense is nothing to her.

But being able to take advantage of it for nothing is better than spending money on your own.

"Oh, you silly boy, your fourth sister has a lot of money in her hands, why not have nothing? A blanket is rare, and you have some stupid ideas."

The second lady gave He Jiajie a hard look, and said with a smirk, "Your mother has lived a long time, and she didn't even have a fur coat, why don't you say that you feel sorry for your old lady!"

(End of this chapter)

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