Chapter 2046 What the second lady said is
He Jiajie rolled his eyes, "It's not that you don't have money, what can you buy? My little monthly money is not enough for myself, so what can I do to love you and be filial to you? Isn't this difficult for others?"

"Hey, you little bastard, if I tell you one thing, you have ten words waiting for me!"

"Originally, it's not that mother has no money, why do you care about other people's things?"

He Jiajie snorted softly, isn't it time to look down on the fourth sister, but he has the face to take advantage of it.

The second wife was about to be blown out of anger, if it wasn't for Nangong Han's presence, she really wanted to cry, make trouble and hang herself.

Whose son is not facing his old lady, but he bends his elbow outward, which really makes her mad.

Looking at the second lady whose face was turning blue and red, Jiang Shi covered her handkerchief and snickered, the third young lady also gloated, only the second young lady looked at her nose and her heart as if nothing had happened.

He Chuer and He Qier became even more jealous of He Xiner, they were able to win over the fourth brother with Dabai, and even hate their own mother, it was really a deep thought.

Suddenly remembering that Nangong Han also showed great love and care for Dabai, the two immediately raised alarm bells.

When he looked at He Xin'er again, he felt a sense of hostility, but also with a bit of apprehension, as if she was a goblin who specialized in seducing people's souls.

He Xiner...

She raised her eyes to look at Nangong Han, who just happened to look over, with concern in her eyes, she said with a slight smile, "Cousin finally went to the mountains, and it's not easy to go back empty-handed. If you don't dislike it, just take those few things Bringing it back and finding someone to deal with it to make a practical object for the old lady is also a kind of cousin's kindness."

Nangong Han's heart warmed up, and he murmured slightly, "Thank you cousin, then I will be disrespectful."

The old lady glanced at He Xiner calmly, but she turned her head and looked over. She was stunned and said with a smile, "I'll take Dabai to the mountain when fourth brother is free someday. If you can get something like this, let’s keep it for the old lady, and make a blanket or a shawl.”

The old lady was stunned for a moment, a trace of strangeness crossed her mind, she subconsciously glanced at Dabai not far away, there was a short table, four clean porcelain pots were placed in a row, there were vegetables, soup and water, He Jiajie bent over Looking at it with a smile, whispering something, its dark eyes are bright, as if there is a hint of a smile~
The feeling of strangeness in my heart became more and more intense, and when I looked at He Xin'er again, my eyes were as deep as a deep pool.

He Hongjin on the other end looked over upon hearing the words, and the old lady smiled kindly and said, "Si girl has a heart."

The second lady watched He Xiner arrange things out on her own, she was very dissatisfied in her heart, she squeezed her voice and said in a weird way, "Si girl is good at being human, but she ordered my son to do things for you, it's pitiful. In the cold weather, I have to go to the deep mountains and wild forests."

He Jiajie stood up and looked at the second lady with piercing eyes. He wished he could bring Dabai into the mountains to play every day, how pitiful it was.

He Xin'er didn't want to be troublesome. Although she didn't like the second wife, she was also the mother of the fourth brother after all. For his sake, it was okay to follow the second wife's wishes, and it wasn't a big deal.

"The second lady is right, the fourth brother is indeed working hard."

Uh ~
Is the sun coming out west?

All the female family members looked at He Xiner in unison, their eyes were burning, especially the second lady's eyes were widened in surprise, and she looked like she was struck by lightning, which was very funny.

He Xiner...

Suddenly she felt like laughing, and in fact she did.

A young girl in cardamom age, with picturesque eyebrows, bright eyes and white teeth, with a slight smile, like a spring breeze blowing on her face, a hundred flowers bloom.

Both He Chuer and He Qier were shocked, her complexion was better than before, like a pearl glowing, and a beautiful jade shining, I don't know what good food I ate to develop such a good color.

Immediately, I felt as if I had knocked over a bottle of vinegar, and sour water gushed from the inside out.

(End of this chapter)

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