The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2047 What is there to argue about?

Chapter 2047 What is there to argue about?
"The left and right Dabai have nothing to do, so I will work harder for the fourth brother. It would be good to take it into the mountains to play, and hunt some wild animals for a change of taste."

After He Xiner finished speaking with a smile, the second lady was still a little confused.

Who cares about wild animals? Could it be that she still stutters?

Thinking of this, she was about to utter a few words of sarcasm, but was preempted by He Jiayu, "The fourth child wants to study and doesn't have so much free time. I'll take Dabai into the mountains tomorrow when I have nothing to do."

"Hey, I said second brother, what are you robbing, I haven't said anything yet."

"Of course you have to grab it. You can't take all the advantages."

"Huh? What did I take advantage of?"

"You just stay at the foot of the mountain, waiting for Dabai to work. You don't have to do anything, and you will be successful when you come back. Isn't it just taking advantage?"

The second wife was still full of dissatisfaction, and the two sons started arguing, which made her grind her teeth in annoyance.

But the second master didn't know what kind of crazy he was, so he got involved with great interest, "What's there to argue about? Whoever has the time should go. Anyway, Dabai can do it, and you don't need to do it. Just go and hunt." When a few silver foxes come back, I'll make some good skins for you too."

The corners of He Xiner's mouth twitched, this person is really rude, what's even more weird is that she asked for Silver Fox by name, it really made people wonder what to say.

When that Yufeng Mountain is Fox Mountain~
She was very speechless, but the second lady's thoughts changed suddenly, knowing that the second master was thinking about his delicate little aunt again, she couldn't help being jealous, but she couldn't do it in front of everyone.

And belatedly, I figured out what He Xiner meant. That girl said that no matter what she found, she would hand it over to the public. It won't be a few hooves cheaper, so there is nothing to worry about.

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt comfortable and in a good mood. She covered her handkerchief and giggled.

He Xiner had the urge to run away.

"Hehehe, what the master said is very reasonable, Dabai is so capable, let's just wait."

Now I am not afraid of my son's hard work, really~
And with her excited appearance, what she didn't know was that the He family was so poor that they had to rely on a dog to support their family.

The head of the clan, He Qingquan, and the head of the house, He Qingzhong, met eyes secretly, and then separated. He Hongjin looked at it calmly, and the light in his eyes flickered.

Because of He Xiner's loose tone, everyone hoped to take advantage of it, and the atmosphere on the side of the women's family gradually became more cheerful. Qi'er was also very polite to He Xiner.

No matter what she thought in her heart, as long as she could get by on the surface, He Xiner didn't take Joe, and drank two glasses of fruit wine with them.

There was harmony on the wine table, only the old lady was in a trance.

At the men's table, after drinking for three rounds, when the atmosphere was just right, the second master He Hongzhang started to take Nan Gonghan to drink again, but he politely refused on the grounds that he had to leave tomorrow morning.

But this man is a difficult master, he is not forced to drink the wine, and pesters him with endless gossip, which makes Nangong Han want to seal his mouth.

After all, he is also the son of the Earl's Mansion, so he will not really do anything rude, no matter how annoying he is, he has to deal with it patiently.

It's just that in this way, it's not easy to look at He Xiner again.

Seeing this, He Chuer and He Qier, who had been observing secretly, looked at each other, and they both saw a hint of brushwork in each other's eyes.

The patriarch He Qingquan and the head of the house He Qingzhong saw that He Hongzhang kept pestering Nangong Han, and they felt a little uncomfortable in their hearts, but they were not brats anymore, so they didn't have to be jealous, and the business was important.

So He Qingquan leaned over and talked with He Hongjin about the ancestral hall.

There was no way, He Hongjin was too busy, even though they lived in the front yard, he was hardly seen during the day, let alone sit and chat.

At this time, the banquet was coming to an end, and the female relatives had put down their bowls and chopsticks, and were about to leave.

He Qingquan on the other side just started thinking about it, when old Han and old Dong rushed in with He Yuru and He Xiuxiu.

(End of this chapter)

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