The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2054 You shouldn't act on your own will

Chapter 2054 You shouldn't act on your own will

"No, Dongmei's family has sick parents, younger siblings, and the whole family counts on her monthly allowance for a living, but now she is disfigured by the eldest girl and can't do her job. How can medicine heal the wound without money?"

Old Han said in a cold voice with no expression on his face, "This is all your own opinion..."

"Ginkgo, go and call Dongmei, as well as Qingzhi and Qingye who are on duty in the guest house today, and call Xu's mother here too."

This is a made up mind to break it to the end~
Old Han felt a little guilty for no reason.

She suddenly regretted that she shouldn't have acted out of temper.

Liu Shi was obviously prepared.

Thinking of what He Yuru scolded, she became even more uneasy.

After all, she is a young girl who has never been out of the court, so the scolding is so vulgar and ugly, it will not be good for her reputation if it gets out.

What's more, Nangong Han is still here.

Old Han's heart beat violently.

How could she forget this!
She gave He Yuru a hard look, and the dead girl knew how to howl without looking at who was here.

Old Han was so regretful that his intestines were green, a brazier was set up in the house, and the kang was burning hot, so he could rest comfortably, why did he listen to this dead girl and come here to argue against the cold wind.

Mr. Nangong was born tall and good-looking, and his overall demeanor was even more precious, he was the most decent person she had ever met.

Oh my, what if such a noble young master is frightened by a dead girl?
Old Han was sweating in anxiety, she pulled the corners of her lips to show a kind smile, but in the eyes of others, she was very stiff and weird, she felt uncomfortable, coughed lightly, and said, "Dear It's evening, and it's cold today, I think we should forget it first. Everyone should go back early to rest, and it won't be too late to talk about anything tomorrow."

Hearing this, a trace of disdain flashed in the eyes of the old lady, and she was about to reach for the teacup with her high shelf, but the corner of her eyes glanced at the majestic Dabai, and she froze there, motionless.

Mother Ji has become a sculpture.

Old Dong rolled his eyes and remained silent.

It's not her granddaughter who is ashamed, she can't wait to watch the fun.

He Xiuxiu also has the mentality of watching the excitement, and is not in a hurry or worry.

On the other hand, He Yuru didn't know how to advance or retreat, and she still called people whenever she yelled. She was afraid, and then scolded those maids for their hearts, in short, she was very arrogant.

The old Han, who was so outraged, pinched her hard, and she reluctantly shut up.

But old Han was even more depressed.

If I had known this thing would not be a big deal, I might as well have brought the daughter of the second family here.

I also blame her for being biased, thinking that this thing suits her appearance a bit, so I took a high look at it, and it hurts a little more than her other granddaughters, who knows that she is so spoiled.

The second lady leisurely admired the shining golden armor under the light, and giggled, "Auntie, why are you so anxious, since the conversation has already reached this point, if you don't break it down clearly, wouldn't it appear that Auntie is guilty."

Old Han secretly gritted his teeth, and quietly gave Old Dong a look, signaling her to find a way to get this matter out of the way, but the other didn't look at her at all.

She looked up again at the patriarch.

But saw that the eyes of the old man met in mid-air, his eyes were gloomy, his face was covered with frost, staring at her coldly as if looking at an enemy.

The old Han was suddenly upset.

Could it be that He Hongjin also annoyed them because of the dead girl?

But aren't their first room and second room always at odds?
She is now in conflict with the second room, and has nothing to do with him, He Hongjin.

Just when old Han was flustered, a few rough envoys, Dongmei, Qingzhi, Qingye and Xu's mother filed in.

Seeing Dongmei's face covered with scars, her heart sank.

"That day we just praised Miss Fourth's fox fur, Miss He went crazy and beat Dongmei..."

It was not Dongmei herself who spoke, but a rough woman who was present at the time. Her voice was loud and high-pitched. In this silent winter night, it was especially loud, and it shocked He Xiner, who was in a daze, to wake up.

(End of this chapter)

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