Chapter 2055 What Should I Do?

"You're talking nonsense! She was obviously laughing at me. I couldn't swallow that breath, so I did it!"

He Yuru argued with reason, screaming at the top of his voice.

Don't you know that this appearance further proves her rudeness and vulgarity.

"Dongmei is a servant girl in my house. If she does something wrong, she will be taught by her mother in charge. If she fails, there will be me and the old lady. And the eldest girl will not need to do it."

The second lady sneered, and no matter how much she argued, she waved her hand to let the old lady continue.

So even the strange things about He Yuru before were dug out. Hearing her scolding He Xiner for being poor on the street and threatening to arrest her in jail, everyone in the room was shocked.

Especially He Jiajie, he screamed strangely and jumped up, "How dare you call my fourth sister poor?"

His voice was full of disbelief.

The patriarch gave old Han a hard look. Why did he lock up this blind thing at that time, but this damn old woman made a fuss and let him out, which caused so many things and made his old face It's all gone.


If it was anything else, He Yuru thought she was justified, but when it came to scolding He Xiner, she also lacked confidence, and felt extremely guilty.

"I don't know her, who told her to wear a plain cloak, so shabby!"

It was too late for Old Han to shut her mouth, so he was annoyed and growled, "Shut up!"

Nangong Han glanced sideways at He Yuru, with a calm face and cold eyes, and then quickly looked away, as if afraid of dirtying his eyes.

He Jiajie snorted heavily, "I don't know gold and jade, my fourth sister's ordinary plain-faced cloak is worth a few dozen taels of silver, and you dare to speak unashamedly about being poor? I really don't know what it means."

He Yuru's face was flushed with embarrassment, and she was about to talk back, and then she could only lower her head and pretend to be deaf and dumb under the eyes of the old Han who wanted to eat people.

However, the matter is not over.

When Qingzhi and Qingye were on duty, they left their posts without permission, causing old Han and the others to suffer from cold and starvation, and causing them to come and quarrel at night. This matter cannot be clarified, they can only be caught by them. put.

So under the instruction of the second wife, Qing Zhi articulated the matter again, and the fast-talking old Han had no chance to interrupt.

"Hey, a girl who hasn't left the court actually inquired about the whereabouts of her cousin, tsk, tsk..."

The Second Young Mistress clutched her handkerchief, half-talking and half-revealing, arousing people's daydreams.

"No, such behavior is not something a decent girl can do."

"Oh, a girl who hasn't left the cabinet starts to scold people, like a shrew, it's really eye-opening."

The eldest young mistress and the third young mistress couldn't help but sneer, no one is far behind.

The second lady suppressed a smile, raised her eyebrows and said, "The servants of the inner house are not allowed to inquire about the affairs of the outer courtyard. This is the rule. The eldest girl wants to force Qing Zhi and Qing Ye to break the rules, but if they want to smash their jobs, then it's no wonder they Put down the pick and quit."

Old Han was too ashamed to lift his head.

The patriarch over there was even more on pins and needles.

Nangong Hanke was right across from him, and there was no place to put his old face.

Even the always arrogant He Yuru had nothing to say.

She really didn't expect that Qing Zhi would repeat what she said without missing a single word.

The cheap maid deliberately made things difficult for her and made her lose face in public.

Just when He Yuru was poking and poking about how to expose this matter, Nangong Han suddenly stood up, facing He Hongjin and said in a deep voice, "Cousin, it's getting late, I have to hurry tomorrow, so let's take a step first. "

"Well, Jiajie went to rest with Brother Han."


Nangong Han bowed to the elders present, met with the old lady, and was about to leave.

He Yuru and He Xiuxiu, who were startled by his words about hurrying tomorrow, became impatient, especially when He Yuru shouted loudly, "Cousin, don't go!"

As he said that, he jumped up to chase him, but the old Han grabbed his arm and said through gritted teeth, "Calm down!"

"Grandma, my cousin is leaving, what should I do?"

He Yuru yelled anxiously, so angry that the patriarch wanted to slap her to death.

And that Nangong Han's speed was even faster, and he couldn't wait for the little servant to make a move, so he took the ink fox cloak and put it on his body before leaving the flower hall.

Seeing this, He Jiajie didn't bother to tidy up his cloak, and hurriedly ran after him.

(End of this chapter)

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