Chapter 2056 Can you be unhappy

As soon as Nangong Han and He Jiajie left, He Xiner also took the opportunity to propose to go back. There are a bunch of maids and women around the old lady, so it's fine if she doesn't accompany her.

She was so sleepy that she couldn't keep her eyes open, and she was afraid that she would fall asleep standing up.

The old lady wished she could take Dabai away quickly, so she hurriedly put on a friendly smile and gave a few words of advice, while looking at Dabai from the corner of her eye, she finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw him leave without looking back.

He Chuer and He Qier looked at each other, they still wanted to watch the fun, so they didn't leave in a hurry.

He Xiner didn't care about the others, hurried back with Dabai and Xiaoyu, drank a cup of almond tea made by Luohua, and then quickly washed up and went to sleep.

A person falls asleep as soon as he leans against the pillow.

When Ye Xusheng came, it was already late at night.

Looking at her sleeping face, it is as white as jade, just like the white pear blossoms standing on the branches in spring, with icy jade skin and curdling fat~
The pure white pear blossom is beautiful and pure.

And she is also pure and pure.

Ye Xusheng's heart softened completely.

Her satin-like black hair was scattered on the soft almond-colored pillow, entangled in his heart.

He approached slowly, sniffing the charming fragrance of flowers on her body, his heart was full of swelling.

Afraid of waking up the little girl, he moved very lightly and softly, without making a single sound.

He Xiner, who was sleeping, smelled the familiar Su Hexiang, closed her eyes and called out in a daze, "Big Brother~"

It was soft and waxy, and Ye Xusheng's brows were stretched, and his body and mind were at ease.

"Go to sleep~"

He gently hugged her in his arms and patted her on the back, like coaxing a child.

He Xiner arched in his arms, found a comfortable position and fell asleep again.

In the dimly lit tent, Ye Xusheng's eyebrows and eyes were gentle, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, and he closed his eyes and slept contentedly.

The next day at Yin Shizheng, he woke up on time, gently pecked the girl's cherry lips, and immediately felt refreshed and refreshed~
At a quarter to eight, He Xiner woke up.

At that time, the green smoke curled up in the smoker cage, the dark fragrance was faint, and the fragrance was full of fragrance~
She smiled sweetly and continued to sleep with her eyes closed.

As a result, she fell asleep and didn't have time for a cup of tea, so Luo Hua came to wake her up on time with the little milk cat in her arms.

He Xiner turned over, expressing that she didn't remember, she wanted to continue sleeping.

"Miss, get up quickly, it's getting late."

"It's not dawn yet, why is it late?"

He Xiner closed her eyes tightly and muttered, Luo Hua couldn't laugh or cry.

"It will be the twelfth lunar month in a few days, and the school will be on vacation. Miss can get up later, and I can sleep well when I come back to greet the old lady."


He Xiner lifted the quilt abruptly and sat up, looking at Luo Hua with surprise in her eyes, as if she couldn't believe it even if she didn't confirm it.

"Of course it's true. When the teachers of the second and third misses used to teach, they always had a holiday in the twelfth lunar month, and the school didn't start until the second of February."

"Ah, there is such a good thing!"

In the first month, the temperature rises, the snow days are less, and the road is easy to walk. Parents will no longer worry about her suffering on the road~
Thinking of being able to go home, He Xiner was overjoyed.

Suddenly, she thought that her father and uncle had discussed before, and she would be even happier to buy a house in the county in the new year.

Sometimes I have time to accompany my father to choose a house, can you not be happy.

He Xiner was happy, and she was interested in everything she did.

"Miss, what kind of bun do you want to wear?"

It was Wei Yu who combed her hair as usual, and seeing that she was full of energy and spirits early in the morning, she was also infected, she was in a good mood, and there were smiles on her brows and eyes.

He Xiner pondered for a moment, then said, "Twin conch buns."

Before Wei Yu could speak, he said again, "Use the pair of pearl flowers inlaid with pink chalcedony."

Luo Hua happily listened to it, and answered loudly, quickly took out a huanghuali wood dowry stacked on the bottom of the dressing table, and took out the pearl flowers that were shining brightly under the light, she was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.

"I'm going to choose a bright dress for the young lady, so as to complement the bright beaded flowers."

He was actually more interested than He Xiner, which made He Xiner laugh out loud.

Wei Yu transformed her delicate small eyebrows, used the delicate and ready-to-drip lotus lip balm, and swept a thin layer of rouge of the same color.

Her skin is as thick as fat and her skin is as snowy as snow. She is a natural good color, and a little modification is enough.

(End of this chapter)

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