Chapter 2058 You add up
"Hey, Si girl's tassel necklace is really jeweled and exquisite!"

He looked coldly at the old Han family who seemed to be all right, chatted and laughed with the old lady, and the second lady wanted to vomit.

She spent all those thoughts, originally intending to slap their face severely and extort a few more money, to see if they would dare to come to the door in the future.

As a result, the old lady came forward to be a good person, saying that the medical expenses were paid by the public, and Dongmei's monthly bills continued.

This isn't it, the old Han family who has served for so many years, now in order to continue to play the autumn wind, he doesn't even want to lose face.

The second lady is holding a pretty light yellow brocade handkerchief, her little finger is raised high, and her long red gold-haired hollow armor is shining golden, eye-catching.

Covering her mouth with a brocade handkerchief, she giggled coquettishly, "Is the brocade jacket on the fourth girl a new one, right? The bead flower on your head is also the first time I've seen you wearing it."

The young lady Jiang secretly rolled her eyes, but didn't say anything.

The Second Young Mistress was always afraid of He Xin'er in her heart. Although she understood what mother-in-law meant, she struggled repeatedly and did not agree with her.

Only the third young lady is not too serious to watch the excitement, and then the second wife said, "The fourth younger sister is an upright Miss He family, so good things are naturally indispensable."

He Xiner...

What kind of trouble is going to happen early in the morning?

Not too tired.

He Chuer and He Qier looked at He Xiner's brand-new jacket, their teeth were a little sore, they didn't want to get involved, they just sat and drank tea silently.

The old lady glanced at Old Han from the corner of her eye, seeing her ugly face, she couldn't help but curl her lips.

This old man has pretended to be a dog for most of his life in front of her, and it really looks like that.

It's a pity, when I'm old, I'm humiliated by my granddaughter, tsk, tsk, it's really pitiful.

The second child's family thought that they would scare people, and they would not dare to go to the door in the future.

But she wanted to keep it, just to see what kind of face this old guy was in front of her.

The old lady wanted to watch the old Han make a fool of herself, so naturally she wouldn't stop the second lady who was looking for trouble. She was happy to watch the excitement, so she regarded it as watching a play.

"Every little girl wears it like this. Look at this bright and watery one. It's really a rare person."

The second lady kept talking, and she didn't stop talking, making it impossible for He Xiner to ask for resignation.

"You, it's just too casual. You don't like to dress up well on weekdays, so that's why you let that kicker look down upon you..."

She looked at He Xiner with concern on her face, smiled very kindly, and thought they were mother and daughter without knowing it.

"Gongzhong made those red gold heads, you can also use them, you don't have to let them pass by..."

He Xiner's scalp went numb from her kind and amiable smile.

"I know you value elegance and don't like vulgar things like gold and silver, but you are Miss He's family, you should have the bearing, but you don't like jewels and emeralds on your head, you can choose one or two for your use, you can't Being bald doesn't make people think that you don't even have a decent head."

Her tone paused, and He Xiner quickly opened her mouth, but she preempted her again, "Isn't it the Chinese New Year coming soon, and we have to add new clothes and make jewelry, and according to the old rules, we have to make a red gold face. If the girl is not rare..., and the second girl and the third girl, you add up, if you think about it, just tell me, there is a share of money anyway, as long as you don't exceed the budget, you can do whatever you want, you can buy whatever you like .”

As her words fell, the room became silent, and everyone looked at each other in silence.

He Xiner quietly exhaled.

I thought she was going to talk forever~
And He Yuru's face was already green, and his eyes were even more dim green, like a wolf ready to prey on him at any time.

Her mind was full of scarlet gold hair and splendid new clothes, and she didn't even care about the sarcasm from the second lady.

He could only stare at He Xiner, trying to figure out how to get some benefits.

Even He Xiuxiu, who had been chanting silently in her heart and would not listen, couldn't help but feel agitated. She wished she could kick He Xiner away and replace her.

As for the old Zhou family, being squeezed by the second wife, he was so restless that his face flushed with embarrassment.

But having been implicated by that dead girl to this point, there is no need to worry about face, the most beneficial thing is to get benefits.

If he just went back in such a disheartened manner, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

What's more, the dead girl's mind has already been blown away, and it's too late to cover it up, so she simply relies on the old Zhou family and asks her to send her to the uncle's mansion.

Although it's a bit embarrassing, but as long as the dead girl has a firm foothold in the uncle's residence, she won't dare to slander again with the courage of Liu Shi.

There is no outsider left or right who knows it is not.

(End of this chapter)

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