Chapter 2059 Not in a hurry

He Chuer and He Qier were stunned by the second lady's words, and after a few breaths of astonishment, they realized belatedly, got up quickly, and said respectfully, "Thank you, mother, for taking your troubles. "

Therefore, He Xiner also had to be more polite, "Second Madam Lao, don't worry, just buy things according to the usual practice. There are many things at the end of the year, which is enough for the Second Madam to worry about, so there is no need to make an exception for such a trivial matter."

Fearing that the other party would have another long speech, she hurriedly turned to the old lady and said, "It's getting late, Xin'er will leave first."

He Chuer and He Qier also hurriedly left.

"Let's go, be careful on the road."


The three sisters were dressed tightly under the service of the personal maid, and hurried out of Songhe Hall.

Usually, they just clicked in front of the old lady, just sat down and left, they are used to it, and today they still go out according to the usual time, who would have expected that the second lady took the wrong medicine today, and she couldn't speak without a word Without panting, it took a full time to talk about a stick of incense, but they were cheated to death.

"Hey, granddaughter, if she doesn't accompany grandma to fulfill her filial piety, how can she just leave? One by one is more anxious than the other, and if you don't know, there will be ghosts chasing after you..."

Old Mrs. Dong was intrigued by the second wife's evil fire, but he didn't dare to provoke her. Didn't he see He Xiner's hurrying, and thought he had caught their shortcoming, and jumped out impatiently? Make sarcastic remarks.

The second lady rolled her eyes, and interrupted her unceremoniously, "Auntie, don't talk nonsense if you don't know, the three girls are going to the school to have lessons with the master, not because they are in a hurry..."

"What? You said that wild girl went to school?"

He Yuru jumped up suddenly, screaming loudly, almost knocking off the roof, so startled that the teacup in the old lady's hand fell to the smooth blue brick floor with a crisp sound, and shattered to the ground.

In recent days, she has been frightened one after another. The old lady is very sensitive now, and she will be flustered if there is any movement.

"Presumptuous! How proper is it to shout so loudly in front of the old lady?"

The second lady frowned and scolded coldly, which shocked her too.

It's not like the scene when He Yuru went crazy yesterday, when she was a little far away from everyone, and she didn't scream so sharply.

Now that the person is by his side, anyone would be startled by such a sudden yell.

Nanny Ji, who was also overly frightened recently, was also frightened by the horrifying screams. She was in a bad mood, her old face was pale, without a trace of blood.

After the second lady spoke, she came back to her senses, cast a cold glance at He Yuru, leaned over and asked in a low voice if the old lady was okay, the first young lady, the second young lady, and the third young lady also came over, expressing their concern and condolences.

The little maid hurriedly cleaned up the broken pieces of porcelain on the ground.

Don't look at the members of the old Han family who lived in the mansion for a few days, but they know very little about the affairs of the mansion. All the servants look down on him.

They wanted to inquire about some affairs in the mansion, but no one took care of them.

Therefore, the few people in the He Mansion are almost blind and deaf, and they don't even know that there is a special elementary school in the mansion.

Suddenly hearing that He Xiner was learning from her master, not to mention He Yuru was hard to accept, even the old Han's heart sank.

Old Dong and He Xiuxiu were also greatly affected.

They were discussing to keep He Yuru and He Xiuxiu in the He residence on the grounds of teaching He Xiner how to read and write.

After hearing such news, can you not be shocked?
So, He Yuru exploded.

Then he completely offended the old lady.

She has always been the most respectful of rules and etiquette, and she also maintains her own identity. She has been carrying it for decades. She has always been graceful, dignified and generous. How often has she lost her composure like today.

Annoyed, she put aside all her thoughts of waiting to see old Han's flattery and flattery, wishing she could kick him out of the He residence.

Seeing that the old lady looked unhappy, the old Han couldn't think about anything else, so she hurriedly pulled He Yuru over and ordered, "Don't apologize to your uncle and grandma!"

(End of this chapter)

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