Chapter 2061 What do you mean

In fact, they were not the only ones who were in a hurry, the patriarch He Qingquan and the room leader He Qingzhong were even more anxious than them.

The female family members in the back house were unable to speak urgently in front of the old lady, but they could not see He Hongjin's face.

They can't see anyone, let alone talk to them, so it's no wonder they're not in a hurry.

The weather has been fine these few days, the sun is warm and the snow on the road has already melted, so it is time for them to say goodbye and go home.

Nangong Han went back in Fucheng, and they used the bad road as an excuse, which is really unreasonable.

But empty-handed, didn't ask for any benefits, and was always unwilling, so he could only pretend to be confused and continue to live.

"It's white porridge with dried vegetables again? There's not even a trace of meaty smell, how can you eat it?"

When it was time for lunch, He Yuru and He Xiuxiu were waiting in the upper room early.

Old Mrs. Han and Mrs. Dong sat cross-legged around the table and drank tea on the top of the kang. The two of them sat with their legs crossed on the edge of the kang. When they saw Mrs. Lu coming in, the eyes of the four of them fell on the black lacquer printed food box.

That Mrs. Lu unhurriedly opened the food boxes and took them out one by one, but before they were neatly arranged, He Yuru yelled in her ear.

As if she didn't hear it, she placed the bowls and chopsticks at the same speed as before.

"Hey! Did you hear what Miss Ben said?"

Mrs. Lu glanced at her with a half-smile, and said in a deep voice, "The eldest girl can be heard five miles away when she screams, and the old slave is not deaf, how can she not hear it."

Both old Han and old Dong are old people, so they wouldn't ask a servant for food, and they didn't say anything if they were dissatisfied.

They knew very well that this was done on purpose by the second wife, and it would be useless even if they made a fuss, instead they would be inferior, so they could only suppress their temper and endure it.

This is also impossible.

Mrs. Liu is in charge of all the affairs of the back house, and they will be the ones who suffer the most if they make a little move.

But none of them have the temperament to swallow their breath, so they endured very hard.

Especially the old Han family.

She is the dignified wife of the patriarch, and she has always said that she is the same in the clan. Now that she is openly bullied by a junior, it is no wonder that she can really bear it.

Didn't he see He Yuru blowing his hair, and didn't speak to stop it.

She was really annoyed too.

I just thought that no matter how bad it was, it would be like this, whether she, Mrs. Liu, would give them food.

So, let's make trouble, just make trouble for her.

Seeing that her milk was silent, He Yuru couldn't help cheering up, and became even more arrogant, "It's good to hear that, you go and get us two chickens, I want to eat chicken!"

Mrs. Lu had a half-smile, "Second Madam said, you are not in good health yet, so you should eat lightly and avoid meat."

"Our illness has been cured early, and it is time to eat more good things to replenish."

He Yuru glanced at the table with disgust on his face, and saw two plates of dried vegetables that were so dark that he lost his appetite, and she lost his appetite just looking at them.

"The second lady said that these dried vegetables were specially brought by the patriarch. They must be good things. They are light and nourishing. They are just right for you to use."

"You, did it on purpose. I'll tell my uncle and grandma to go, so that you can't eat and walk around!"

Mrs. Lu bowed her knees without any haste and saluted, "Everyone take your time."

Then Shi Shi ran away without even giving He Yuru a look.

He Yuru was so angry that he screamed, "Come back!"

Old Han's face was dark, and he said in a deep voice, "Stop barking."

"Grandma, then Mrs. Liu obviously did it on purpose..."

"So what? What can you do to her?"

Subconsciously, He Yuru wanted to complain to the old lady, after all, she still had two brains, and she was speechless when she got to her mouth.

Then he stood there muttering angrily.

While she was arguing with Mrs. Lu, He Xiuxiu had already finished a bowl of porridge, glanced at the boiled vegetables in distaste, and then looked away.

When she was at home, she ate these things every day, and she had eaten enough.

He poked his lips secretly, and Fang said, "Before that Mrs. Liu wanted to extort our money, saying that the medicine cost five taels, but the winter plum was placed at ten taels, and the mouth was 15 taels. It was obviously making us look ugly, and my uncle gave it to me." We got rid of the siege, so it can be seen that he really treats us..."

She gave He Yuru a quick glance, and said, "I thought about it carefully. My aunt and grandma didn't want to see us until that day when they were frightened and dropped the teacup."

"He Xiuxiu, what do you mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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