The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2062 Of course it's not bad

Chapter 2062 Of course it's not bad
It's self-evident what it means.

It's He Yuru who offended someone~
Old Han knew it well, but he couldn't listen to He Xiuxiu's criticism.

She made a deep voice, interrupting He Yuru's growl, "Don't make any noise, we have more important things to do right now, so we don't have to waste arguing."

After glancing at He Xiuxiu lightly, she continued, "We will enter the Layue Gate tomorrow, and even if they don't kick us out, we can't stay any longer."

Hearing this, He Yuru and He Xiuxiu didn't bother to confront each other, they were both impatient.

Even the old Mrs. Dong who watched the excitement with cold eyes was anxious, "Sister-in-law, you have to find a way to keep the two girls..."

She glanced at her granddaughter, hinting that she should stop talking, and continued, "These two children are the best water spirits, no worse than her granddaughter of the old Zhou family, and a son of a wealthy family can also be worthy..."

He Yuru and He Xiuxiu thought of Nangong Han at the same time, and couldn't help feeling shy. They both blushed, and at the same time, their eyes widened, and they stared at old Dong, without missing a word.

"I heard that those big families specially find some good-looking girls from the same clan, and train them with the young ladies in the family. They learn all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting."

Old Han's spirit lifted, he straightened his waist and sat upright, looked at her with bright eyes, and nodded from time to time to express his agreement.

"Although it is not as noble as the young lady in the family, but it is also a pile of brocade clothes and jade since childhood. It is good to raise a beautiful person. Just talking about appearance, some of them are better-looking than the eldest lady who was born in the first place."

He Yuru and He Xiuxiu were like eating ice cubes in June, and they were so straightforward.

Even the old Mrs. Han felt at ease when she heard it. Although her granddaughter has a bad temper, her appearance is just like her own, so naturally she can't be worse.

In fact, He Yuru was born pretty well, with an oval face and delicate features, but her light wheat-colored skin was a little darker among women, and she liked to wear heavy makeup, which was a bit nondescript.

Instead, it lost its authenticity.

Moreover, since she acts indiscriminately, arrogantly and frivolously, which is unpleasant, no one cares about her appearance.

That is to say, the old Han felt that she was born well.

On the other hand, He Xiuxiusheng's slapped face, small and exquisite, with hook-like red phoenix eyes, is very charming, fair and delicate complexion, exquisite figure, she is a natural beauty.

But compared with He Chuer and He Qier, she lacked the delicacy and elegance. Standing next to them, she had a high-level demeanor.

Not to mention the comparison with He Xiner, who has an ethereal temperament.

But in the hearts of old Han and old Dong, their granddaughters are all good, no worse than the three He Chuer sisters.

They just look good when they are well dressed. If they are in Jingchai cloth skirts, they are not as good-looking as her girls.

"Sister-in-law, tell me, the heads of those big families are as smart as monkeys, can they do things that make money?"

This question made Old Han a little displeased, as if she was ignorant.

She drank the tea in the cup unhurriedly, and then said with a very emotional expression, "The old man mentioned this to me before, but Ru girl was still young at that time, I was reluctant to give it away, so I put it down .I didn’t expect this to last for so many years. In the blink of an eye, the child has grown so big..."

Hearing this, Old Dong was startled for a moment, then curled his lips and didn't answer her words.

The old Han turned his head and glanced at He Yuru, as if he saw himself when he was young, and he was satisfied, "Cultivating a few more outstanding children is also for the purpose of marrying a rich family and helping them in the future. This is for the development of the family. big deal. Well..."

She looked pensive, as if thinking about what to do next.

Old Dong knows that she is taking Joe again, although he feels a little uncomfortable, but this matter still depends on the patriarch to come forward, so he has to hold back this tone and flatter her a few words.

Unexpectedly, before she opened her mouth, He Yuru lost her composure, and jumped up hastily, "Don't think about it, grandma, let's go to Grandpa, he will definitely convince uncle."

He Xiuxiu also smiled and said, "Yes, the patriarch's grandfather has the most ways, and if he comes forward, uncle will definitely listen, even the Liu family has nothing to say."

(End of this chapter)

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