The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2063 Now She Has Changed Her Mind

Chapter 2063 Now She Has Changed Her Mind

Seeing the impatient look on He Yuru's face, Old Dong's lips curled up secretly, and then he smiled and agreed a few words, holding old Han's heart full of joy, and then he took Old Dong to the front yard to find the old patriarch with satisfaction. .

"My father is in charge, let's wait for the good news!"

He Yuru has firm confidence in the rights of the patriarch. Her father is the patriarch of the He clan, and a single word can sink a person and kill him.

But no one with the surname He would dare not listen to his master.

She habitually shared her joy with He Xiuxiu, and then thought of the other party's previous faults, her face immediately sank.

Just as he was about to explode, He Xiuxiu had already opened his mouth, "It's no problem to have the patriarch grandpa come forward, we don't have to go to He Xiner's place to be closed doors."

He Yuru's attention was immediately drawn away by her, and when she thought of being treated coldly by He Xiner, she became furious. She patted the table and gritted her teeth and said, "A dead girl doesn't know how to flatter, she is looking for death!"

In order to be able to stay in He's residence, she was patient, regardless of the biting cold wind, and went to Qingxin Youju to visit He Xiner every night.

She felt that she had lowered her figure, but He Xiner was ungrateful, she didn't even open the courtyard door, let her talk nicely without even looking at her, she was already extremely annoyed.

If it wasn't for the little calculation in her heart, she would have turned her face a long time ago.

She smiled coldly and said, "Let her taste what our fists taste like today."

He Xin'er was half a head shorter than her, and she was thin, petite and exquisite. In her eyes, she was so weak that she could be knocked down with two punches.

It's just to distract her attention, who knows that she wants to fight and make trouble.

Regarding this, He Xiuxiu felt very helpless, and couldn't help but said, "This is He's residence, we still have to stay here for a long time, wouldn't it be good to make trouble?"

"Hmph, what's there to be afraid of? It's not like I haven't done this kind of thing before."

In the past two days, things have not gone well, especially when He Xin'er kept eating and holding back, he had already stored up a cavity of anger, but because of his future, he suppressed his temper and had a bad temper.

Now that the request has been settled, she will also be an upright young lady of the He Mansion in the future, with her own yard, her own maid, endless new clothes, and countless jewelry and headgear. No worse than He Xiner.

Why put up with her?

At unitary hour, the elementary school ended on time, and He Xiner walked briskly out of Ruyi Garden.

It's finally vacation!
She has a smile on her brows and eyes, and her mood is soaring~
Wei Yu, who was following behind, also had a smile all the time, very happy.

The young lady gets up before dawn every day, and then sits upright all day, only to finish class after dark, which is really hard.

After the holiday, I can sleep more and not talk about it, and I don’t have to be tied up every day, so I can finally relax.

"Nothing to do tomorrow, let's go shopping, buy two new year clothes for the big guys, and add some jewelry."

"Xiao Xing and the others must be having fun again."

It was the time when the twilight was coming together and the lights were just coming on. The inside and outside of the He Mansion were brightly lit, even the stone paths leading to the Qingxin secluded residence were brightly lit.

The cold wind is howling, the trees are shaking~
Listening to the rustling sound of bamboo leaves, the master and servant stepped on the mottled bluestone bricks, chatting and laughing with ease.

"Dabai has been quite busy these past few days. Either he was taken up the mountain by the second brother, or he was taken to Zhuangzi by the elder brother. It is too hard to rush back with the stars every day."

"Who says it's not? It's not easy to run around outside in this cold weather. If you don't eat or drink well, it's too painful. I look at Dabai as if he's lost some weight."

"Leave it at home tomorrow to rest, and then take it to Fenghe Building for a good meal."


He Yuru and He Xiuxiu, who were hiding in the depths of the bamboo forest, felt jealous when they heard it.

They drank plain porridge and dried vegetables every day, and their life was worse than that of a dog.

I accidentally scolded myself.

So the two became even more angry.

He Yuru was already on the verge of an explosion, and He Xiuxiu was not much better. Originally, she didn't want to cause trouble, but she wanted to persuade He Yuru more, and not to do anything if she could.

Now she has changed her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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