Chapter 2064 Play It Yourself
Suddenly there was a rush of footsteps, breaking the tranquility of the surroundings, and the sound of rattling was particularly abrupt in this quiet and quiet night.

He Xiner and Wei Yu turned their heads to look.

It was He Yuru and He Xiuxiu who ran towards them.

The wind blows the bamboo forest rustling, the branches and leaves are swaying, and the shadows of the trees are whirling~
The two moved in the flickering light and shadow, and He Xiner couldn't see their expressions clearly, but she could still feel their menace.

Wei Yu also felt bad, so she pushed He Xin'er almost without thinking, "Miss, hurry up, the maid stopped them."

"Don't worry, wait and see."

He Xiner stood still, her tone was calm.

Just when the two were talking, He Yuru and He Xiuxiu had already rushed to the front, and it took only half a stick of incense.

Wei Yu hurriedly opened her arms to protect He Xiner behind her, and shouted loudly, "What are you sneaking around in the bamboo forest, what are you trying to do?"

"Haha, what do you want to do? Guess what?"

He Yuru was not in a hurry to move, and stopped three steps away from them, squinting at the two of them with a provocative face.

On a very cold day, running against the cold wind, her breath was somewhat unstable, so she had to slow down.

Even He Xiuxiu, who was full of jealousy, didn't rush to do anything. She was looking at He Xiner viciously and hatefully. She didn't know that she thought that the other party had revenge on her for killing her father.

"We're not interested in playing the guessing game with you, you can play by yourself."

He Xiner's face was calm, she wasn't frightened by the two fierce men at all, she said to Wei Yu in a gentle voice, "Let's go back."

"I don't know what to praise, did Miss Ben let you go?"

Panting, He Yuru yelled arrogantly, and quickly blocked the way of the two of them.

Not to be outdone, He Xiuxiu walked around the master and servant in a few steps, staring at them covetously, showing disdain.

Although He Yuru and He Xiuxiu are girls, they have a lot of experience in fighting and bullying their peers a lot in the village, so they didn't pay attention to the lithe Wei Yu and the petite He Xiner .

And they didn't mess around without using their brains at all, they still made some preparations.

I chose this place deliberately because I was afraid that their master and servant would shout loudly and draw out all the maids and women who live in a quiet and secluded place, as well as the two big white geese.

After all, the big dog wasn't around, so it couldn't be the fault of the two big geese.

He Xiner frowned slightly, her original good mood was completely ruined.

I'm so bored.

"What are you two doing?"

"doing what?"

He Yuru sneered, and suddenly jumped up and threw herself on her, "Miss Ben wants to reward you with a heart-warming punch!"

"Miss, be careful!"

Wei Yu was shocked, and was about to jump over to help, but was caught by He Xiuxiu, and the two immediately pulled each other up.

And He Yuru on the other end, seeing He Xiner standing still stupidly, couldn't help but feel extremely proud. The fist that was going to land on her body was swung at that flowery little face...

He Xiner felt a slight chill in her heart.

This man is so vicious.

With a snap of her fingers, the fist was in front of her eyes, and He Xiner swiftly took half a step back to avoid it.

He Yuru was even more annoyed when he missed a hit, "You little bitch is looking for death!"

He Xiner frowned even more, and cursed coldly, "I'm sick!"

Not sick.

Still very sick.

From the very beginning, when they met on the street, this man had been eyeing her like a lunatic, but now he has gotten even worse, trying to get rough on her.

Could it be that there is something wrong with the brain?
"You dare to scold me?"

"Of course I scold you."

He Yuru was furious, "I'll kill you bitch!"


Dodging He Yuru's entanglement again, He Xiner was about to lift her cloak and give her a kick when she heard her goose guard make a loud noise, "Hey hey——"

"Miss! Miss! Here I come!"

Xiao Xing ran all the way screaming, not forgetting to call out, "Come on, come on! Someone is blocking the way to bully Miss!"

(End of this chapter)

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