The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2065 Worse than messing with a dog

Chapter 2065 Worse than messing with a dog

It turned out that Luo Hua saw that it was getting late, so she sent Xiao Xing to meet her young lady outside.

Isn't it because Dabai is not at home, so I have to be more concerned.

So, Xiao Xing brought two big white geese to pick up He Xiner.

She was walking leisurely, when the two big white geese suddenly squawked and ran away quickly, she immediately became anxious and ran after them, yelling.

He Xiner felt happy, and quickly took a few steps back to get out of the way, so that her family's goose guards could perform well.

Wei Yu on the other end also didn't like to fight, taking advantage of He Xiuxiu's stunned skill, she turned around and went to accompany He Xiner.

"Hey hey——"

It is said that the goose is a tyrant in the village, and being targeted by it is worse than messing with a dog.

When it spreads its wings to attack, it is fierce and invincible, either bumping or twisting, anyway, it will not stop until it reaches its goal.


In winter, the cotton coat is thick, and it doesn't feel like being twisted by a big goose, but its posture is really amazing, and it is scary to look at, not to mention that it can not only twist people, but also hit people with its neck.

That head is like a Tuozi, and it hurts people to smash it.

He Yuru and He Xiuxiu knew how powerful they were, so they would stand obediently and run around in circles.

The two of them thought that they were right a few times before, and they were almost in a good mood, but they didn't expect to be so tough today, chasing them without stopping.

He Yuru's cloak was caught by the big goose, and then he held her firmly.

He Yuru, who was flustered, stretched out his hand to pat it on the head as soon as his brain twitched, but it firmly held onto his hand, twisting and twisting tightly, causing He Yuru to scream in pain.

"Twist, twist hard!"

Xiao Xing was still puzzled, and continued to attack while drinking the big white goose.


He Yuru's head was bloodshot, and He Xiuxiu's head was not much better, and there were shrill screams from time to time.

In the past few times when he forcibly broke into Qingxin's secluded residence, he never received such a violent attack.

So the two of them really panicked, and instead of tossing around in circles, they ran back along the stone path, and the two big geese naturally followed closely.

Xiao Xing also followed with a smile.

At this time, Luo Hua rushed over with Tan's mother and Xiao Ju, and was relieved to see He Xiner standing here properly.

After figuring out what happened, Luo Hua jumped her feet angrily, "It's really deceiving!"

"Aren't those two mad dogs? Ever since they met Miss, they have been entangled endlessly. What do they want to do?"

"I just want to take advantage of our lady's good temper."

"Ah bah! Don't even look at their virtues, and dare to take advantage of the young lady. It's really stupid."

"Miss is so kind, she has been merciful, but made them look down on her."

"If you dare to come next time, just ask Dabai to call out, and see if they dare to be arrogant."

He Xiner...

The anger aroused by He Yuru and He Xiuxiu had disappeared without a trace before he knew it, but he was in a better mood, and with a faint smile on his face, he returned to the Qingxin secluded residence surrounded by a few maids. .

Feeling somewhat worried about Xiao Xing who was chasing after He Yuru and the others, she sent Wei Yu to look for her.

With those two big white geese around, I'm not afraid that they will suffer.

If someone makes things difficult, Xiao Xing is good at speaking, she won't let people talk, and she can just publicize what those two people did.

After He Xiner washed up, she changed into a set of homely clothes, and just after drinking a cup of tea, Xiao Yu came back with Xiao Xing and two big white geese.

"What do the two old ladies say?"

"The patriarch's wife looked ugly, but she didn't say anything. The other old lady scolded us for being too cruel, and said that she wanted to complain to the old lady."

He Xiner didn't take it seriously, and said, "Let them go."

"Both of you hurry up to wash up and change your clothes. It's a cold day, and you're running around outside. It's uncomfortable to pour cold wind into your stomach carefully. Drink a bowl of hot soup to warm your body before eating."


Xiao Yu and Xiao Xing responded with smiles, turned around and went to tidy up.

(End of this chapter)

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