The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2066 I have time to play with you

Chapter 2066 I have time to play with you

He Xiner wasn't worried at all about the old Dong's threat.

It was they who provoked first, and she just counterattacked one or two times.

She's not a fool, she can still wait to be beaten.

Yes, follow them.

If you want to file a lawsuit, you can file a lawsuit. The old lady is not a fool.

The anger expelled by the two strange flowers of He Yuru and He Xiuxiu, followed by the high-spirited goose guards, and the louder cry, had already vented a lot.

After being amused by a few cute little maids, He Xiner completely exposed the matter.

That kind of bastard is not worth her trouble getting angry.

The food was about to be set up, Dabai came back, it was delivered to the gate of the courtyard by the first day of junior high next to He Jiaheng, saying that it had already eaten the food.

"My darling, my sister is on vacation, I have the time to play with you~"

He Xiner stroked Dabai affectionately, squinting her eyes happily.

Dabaihei arched towards her coquettishly, making her giggle non-stop, and she simply hugged its big fluffy head and didn't let go.

It was still light rain that reminded me twice before I cleaned my hands and ate again.

After dinner in a good mood, he took Luohua and Dabai around the yard to digest food, and the two big white geese waddled along to join in the fun.

The north wind is cold, bitingly cold~
Although the master and servant were dressed thickly, they did not dare to stay outside for too long, and the time for a stick of incense was over.

Wei Yu hurriedly called for hot water and waited on He Xiner to take a bath and change clothes.

After her hair was wrung out, He Xiner sent everyone away.

She lay on the imperial concubine bed covered with thick blankets and read a book.

Dabai was at her feet, quietly accompanying her.

The lights flickered, and the room was quiet.

Ye Xusheng arrived at a moment's time difference.

There was a slight creaking sound from the wooden door, and then the cotton curtain was lifted.

Dabai, who was sleeping soundly, had heard the movement when he entered the yard, and when he entered the house, it just listened with its ears blanked for a moment, then put down its ears and continued to sleep soundly.

He Xin'er, who wanted to wait for someone, slept soundly, her small white face was quiet and soft, Ye Xusheng's heart almost melted when she saw it.

Went to the big cloak outside, washed his hands again, and made his body warm, and then gently picked him up.

He Xin'er, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly felt her body lighten, and at the same time, she smelled a faint fragrance of Su He, she closed her eyes and called out, "Big Brother."

"Why don't you sleep in bed, huh?"

His voice is very light and soft, even if there is a bit of blame in it, it is still as soft as dripping water, like a hot spring flowing, tender and tender~
While speaking, he had already entered the bedroom, gently put the girl in his arms on the bed, covered her with a brocade quilt carefully, and turned off the candle lamp before going to bed.

Gently hugging the sleeping girl into his arms, he seemed to have the whole world and his heart was full.

The petite and exquisite girl was nestled in his arms, like a weak cub, clinging to him and relying on him.

His heart softened into a puddle of water.

The glazed lamps in the hallway were never extinguished, and the bright red light shone on the window spirits pasted with Korean paper, making the whole room hazy.

Gently pecking at the girl's eyebrows, Ye Xusheng's black eyes were as bright as stars in the dim light.

He Xiner, who was in a drowsy sleep, also felt it.

"Lord Brother~"


"Lord Brother~"


The corners of Ye Xusheng's lips fluttered, his eyes were smiling, he looked at her fair little face softly, couldn't help but gently caress her, it was as moist as jade, as smooth as fat~
He just can't put it down, can't stop.

A soft and boneless little hand covered his, and she pouted and mumbled, "It's so itchy~"

Ye Xusheng held her little hand back, put it to his lips and kissed it lightly, "Go to sleep."


Ye Xusheng's heart fluttered slightly when he heard the softer voice than a kitten's meowing.

With the warm, fragrant and soft jade in his arms, if his heart is as clear and pure, it would be abnormal.

(End of this chapter)

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