Chapter 2067

The woman in his arms was delicate and lovely, with a charming fragrance of flowers, and also his true love. It was normal for his heart to be overwhelmed by such an intimate embrace.

But seeing that she was so sleepy that she couldn't keep her eyes open, she naturally didn't want to wake her up.

Ye Xusheng gently lifted the long hair around her ear, wrapped it around her index finger, and played with it softly.

It's been a long time since I combed her hair, he really misses her~
Remembering that when she was at home, she ran to him every morning with a hair rope comb, Ye Xusheng raised the corners of his lips.

Looking deeply at the girl in his arms, his eyes were gentle.

From now on, he will comb her hair and put on makeup every day.

Thinking of this, he closed his eyes and fell asleep contentedly.

Hearing his even and long breathing, Dabai knew that he was fast asleep, moved his ears, and continued to sleep soundly.

At the right time, Ye Xusheng opened his eyes on time, and Dabai also closed his ears.

After Ye Xusheng dressed lightly and sprinkled a handful of spices into the incense burner, Dabai quietly followed behind him and left the Qingxin secluded residence.

Ever since Zhou Zuan came here to make trouble before dawn, Dabai seldom went out to play in the early morning.

It sent Ye Xusheng away, solved its physical problems by itself, and then went back to guard He Xiner.

There was no need to go to school, He Xiner slept for half an hour longer, she felt refreshed and had a good appetite, she ate a bowl of rice porridge with shredded chicken and diced meat, and also ate two small buns with dried bamboo shoots and diced meat.

Wei Yu started to put on light makeup for her, picked half of the black silk and combed her buns, and tied them with a beaded headband. The crow-feather long hair naturally fell to her waist, simple and refreshing, beautiful and agile.

Luo Hua took a peach-pink brocade jacket and skirt, but He Xiner rejected it with a smile, and chose an ai-green plain jacket and a turquoise brocade skirt.

The weather was cold, and it was unanimously suggested that she use a fox fur cloak in light rain and falling flowers.

He Xiner did not object.

"I entered the Layue Gate today, and it's also extremely cold this day. The servant girl walked outside for a while, so I didn't freeze my nose off."

Luo Hua handed over the hot stove with a smile, and said, "The fox fur blanket made for the old lady, should I bring it here now, or send it specially after I ask you to pay my respects?"

He Xiner took the stove and said with a smile, "Take it now. Go and call Xiao Xing and let her follow."


Luo Hua and Wei Yu met each other's eyes, and couldn't help pursing their lips into a small smile.

Xiao Xing is the most eloquent of them in Qingxin Youju. Not only is she articulate, smart and capable, but she also has a characteristic, that is, she is especially good at pissing people off.

Because of bringing Wei Yu and Xiao Xing with her, He Xiner said that Dabai should not follow her, and Luo Hua immediately became anxious, "How could it be possible? Such a thing just happened yesterday..."

"Don't worry, they won't do anything in front of the old lady."

"But, what if they do something outside Songhe Hall? Miss, you should bring Dabai."


He Xiner was still very persuasive.

When they arrived at Songhe Hall, they didn't bring Dabai into the house, they just waited in the porch.

It was freezing cold, those maids and women who couldn't enter the old lady's house took turns to keep warm in the wing room, and there was only one young maid in charge of opening the curtain in the corridor.

"Miss Four is here."

As the little maid's crisp voice fell, everyone in the room looked at the door in unison.

He Xiner was in front, and Xiao Yu and Xiao Xing were behind.

Then his eyes fell on Xiao Yu and Xiao Xing's hands.

Both of them have a burden in their hands.

Of course, the point is not the baggage, but the things in the baggage.

The second lady's eyes lit up, and before He Xiner greeted her, she hurriedly asked, "What did the fourth girl take?"

Turning her head to look, she happened to meet old Han's and old Dong's unkind eyes, while He Yuru and He Xiuxiu stared at her with gritted teeth full of resentment.

He Xiner turned a blind eye, and smiled lightly at the second lady, without saying a word, she took off her cloak first.

Wei Yu was about to pass the bundle in her hand to Xiao Xing, when Lian Qiao, the second-class maid beside the old lady, stepped forward to help with a very winking look.

After He Xiner politely saluted and greeted her, she finally said, "The red fox that came back from a big white hunt a few days ago, I got someone to deal with it and made a blanket."

After a short pause, she said with a smile, "Look at the old lady, it's still worth it."

(End of this chapter)

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