The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2071 She has chapters about left and right

Chapter 2071 She has something to say

Hey, this is really a drama of three women.

It was originally intended to stab the old Han and old Dong, but after a few words, his own people started to pinch them first.

The old lady immediately calmed down.

He Xiner also wanted to resign.

It's just that before she could speak, the second lady was ahead of her, still giggling, "So, this woman still needs a generous dowry to be confident."

This is really~
She has something to say.

All the female relatives in the mansion are in a delicate mood.

He Yuru and He Xiuxiu strengthened their belief in staying in the He residence.

With their small family, how can they buy any decent dowry, it would be nice to have a wedding dress of bright red silk.

Only by staying in He's mansion in the county seat and being the lady of this mansion, will he have a good future.

The eldest mistress did not expect the second wife to be so talkative today, and she was quite surprised.

She raised her eyebrows, opened her mouth immediately when she hadn't, picked up the teacup with her little finger painted with rich Danko, and sipped the tea with her head down.

The second lady didn't care about her, she was only thinking about how to stimulate the grandparents of the old Han family.

Turning her head and giving He Xiner a look, she saw her stretching out her hand to straighten her long skirt, as if she was about to leave, and said, "When it comes to shopping, the three of you with dowry are no better than the fourth girl."

He Xiner, who was about to get up, sat up straight again after a pause.

The second lady is going east and west for a while, it's really...

"It's true, the fourth girl changes new clothes almost every day, and we are dazzled by the amount of clothes. It's really a big deal."

Although he got a fox fur for nothing, Jiang still had a grudge against He Xiner, and he couldn't get close to her at all. It would be a bit sour to say it.

This is not the general who is still called the fourth younger sister, but now it is called the fourth girl.

The Second Young Mistress drank tea with her eyes downcast, and she never got involved with He Xiner's affairs.

It was the third young lady who took up the conversation and said, "The fourth younger sister has always been generous, and the reward for a servant is one hundred and eighty taels. She is more willing to spend for herself."

In other words, everyone is not stupid, they have already seen that He Xiner's flowers are not right, but they don't want to ask where they got the money.

Now that it happened to be here, the eldest and third young mistresses couldn't bear it any longer.

Jiang Shi said, "The monthly rate of ten taels of silver for the fourth girl is probably not enough for your two skirts..."

"And the fragrance you use, should it be the rose water from Ninglufang? It is fragrant and long-lasting, and it is a luxury item worth a bottle of one hundred taels of silver.

People like us who have a dowry are not willing to buy it, but Miss Si is really willing to buy it. "

He Chuer and He Qier's eyes widened when they heard the rose water.

The two also once suspected that the fragrance on He Xiner's body was not from the fragrance of clothes, but they didn't dare to think about the rose water.

But old Han and old Dong are completely stupid.

First of all, I was shocked by He Xiner's generosity in rewarding servants, and then I heard that her monthly silver had already soured into vinegar sauce. There are more than [-] people in their family, and they don't even need a year's worth of flowers. To ten taels of silver.

As for her little girl doll, she has twelve taels a month.

Moreover, the food and utensils are all from the public, even the head and face jewelry is also bought by the public, so the ten taels of silver are simply obtained for nothing.

Not to mention their sourness.

Twisting and twisting can hold a jar.

However, this was only the beginning, and the more I listened, the more frightened I became.

"I think the rouge and gouache used by the fourth sister are all from Ninglufang. The rose water that can last for a few days is naturally a luxury item, and the 24-color lipstick is not cheap, and there are face powder, rouge and so on. Yes, they are all top-notch products..."

The third young lady paused, and then said, "These things cannot be bought without 200 taels of silver."

The third young lady, Chai Shi, is of ordinary appearance, but she has high self-esteem and low self-esteem since she was a child.

He Jian'er's skin is more radiant than snow, and she is unparalleled in beauty, she is envious and jealous at the same time.

She had a generous dowry and ample money, and spent a lot of money on that face, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't develop a good look. Therefore, I was very curious about how He Xiner took care of her skin.

But she was too embarrassed to ask directly, and their relationship was not very close, and she had an awkward temper, so she was afraid of being underestimated, so she couldn't ask for advice humbly anyway.

But it didn't delay her observation.

The things in Ninglufang are very precious to her, so she can see them naturally.

(End of this chapter)

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