Chapter 2072 Impossible

He Yuru and He Xiuxiu's eyes turned green when they heard this.

Old Han's and old Dong's hearts trembled when they heard this.

Even the second wife is sour, let alone He Chuer and He Qier.

The maids in the room all looked at He Xiner quietly, feeling incredible.

On weekdays, the fourth girl's appearance does not show mountains or waters, but she did not expect to be so rich.

Mother Ji has the most complicated heart.

To say that the most stable one is naturally the old lady, who is always dignified, calm, elegant and generous, and will not make a fuss about this matter.

I just don't know what to think.

Everyone had different thoughts, and they didn't speak for the time being, a little cold.

He Xiner didn't want to explain anything to them, so she said, "It's getting late..."

She naturally wanted to ask for resignation, but He Yuru, who was overwhelmed by the shock, interrupted with an awry voice, "Impossible!"

He Xiner...

I don't know what kind of crazy this guy is.

It is said that He Yuru suffered losses one after another, and was warned by the patriarch, so she was somewhat restrained, so she didn't use her power to overturn the roof.

But the sound is not small.

The old lady frowned slightly, feeling a little annoyed.

The third young lady on the other end said unhappily, "Who are you trying to scare by making ghost noises from time to time?"

The Second Young Mistress followed immediately, "It's not proper to yell in front of the old lady."

The eldest young mistress Jiang naturally couldn't let go, "There are no rules at all."

Old Han was about to die of anger, he was angry at congratulating Yuru, and at the same time at the person who opened his mouth to run on him.

"Ru girl..."

"Don't talk about these things..."

He Yuru, who had been suffocating for a long time, once his temper came up, he was like a flood that opened the gate, and he would never give up until he vented it completely.

It's not that she interrupted her breastfeeding on purpose, it's just that she can't hold her breath, and when she is in a hurry, she jumps up and down, so she doesn't care about that.

"What are your thoughts, do you think we can't see it?"

At first, she was so jealous that her eyes glowed green, especially knowing that He Xiner had ten taels of silver, she wanted to snatch it away, but she couldn't believe it when she said that rouge and gouache cost 200 taels of silver .

This time when she came to the county, her mother specially bought a set of rouge and gouache for her, and it only cost fifty coins.

Even if the things in the county are expensive, it is not necessary to ask for 200 taels.

Obviously they are bragging.

And the only reason to do this is to show off to them.

He Yuru is not only impatient, but also impatient to speak. Thinking this way in her heart, she couldn't help but say it out loud, saying that the Third Young Mistress was blown to the horizon, and she wasn't afraid of the strong wind. Tongue flashed.

Then he said, "Whoever has money is not spent in the open, she is not even willing to use gold and silver, how can she use such a good rouge and gouache."

"Also, no matter how expensive the rouge and gouache are, how expensive can it be? 200 taels of silver! It's really crazy!"

Old Han opened his mouth, and swallowed back what he wanted to say.

It makes sense.

It was specified that it was Liu's demon moth who made a fuss again, just to make them jealous.

"I don't know what it means to jump out and show my eyes if I don't understand."

The eldest young mistress Jiang sneered coldly.

The third young lady said calmly, "Since you're here in the county, you didn't go out for a stroll?"

She gave He Yuru a disdainful look, "Ninglufang is on Qingque Street, what price is the stuff inside, you can see for yourself."

The second lady admired the long armor, but pouted from time to time.

"Si Yatou doesn't use gold and silver hairpins, but the beads on the ribbon are more precious than gold hairpins and silver hairpins."

"What the second lady said is that those two pearls are jade round, magnificent and colorful, but they are very valuable Nanzhu, and each one costs at least 20 taels of silver."

The third young lady is simply a genius, and her vision is really not ordinary.

"Let's talk about the plain jacket on Fourth Sister's body. It looks simple and clean, but the row of jade buttons doesn't fit ten taels of it."

"And the fox-fur cloak worn outside is even more incredible. There is absolutely no way you can take it off for 500 taels."

(End of this chapter)

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