The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2076 I don't think so

Chapter 2076 I don't think so
The young lady Jiang, who originally had this idea, echoed, "If you hunt good things, you can make a lot of money. I won't talk about wild boars and roe deer.

This valuable thing is not only musk, but deer antler is also extremely valuable. "

After a pause, she said with a little awkwardness, "Dabai is so capable, he can hunt and play wild boars of three or four hundred catties. Yes, it is easy to find foxes. It is natural to hunt musk deer or red deer. No trouble."

From the bottom of her heart, she didn't want to admit that Dabai was capable.

She didn't like the dog at all.

Ask her to say that people like them shouldn't keep that kind of ferocious big dog.

But she absolutely dare not say that.

In case it gets annoyed, it's no joke.

But since I got a fox fur collar for nothing today, it's not too much of a stretch to say it's capable.

The words were out of her mouth, and her little awkwardness was over, and she couldn't wait for others to speak, so she couldn't wait to ask the third young lady, "Tell me, did she, He Xiner, make a fortune from deer antler, musk, and so on?"

Her tone was urgent and her speech was fast. The Second Young Mistress beside her opened her mouth but didn't interrupt her.

But now he was not in a hurry to speak, and looked at the third young lady eagerly.

Not only the eldest mistress and the second mistress, but everyone else also looked at the third mistress Chai.

Everyone waited with bated breath for her to speak.

It seems that she is what she says.

Chai frowned, lowered his head and pondered for a moment, and said, "I don't think so."

She raised her head and looked around, only to find that everyone was staring at her. She couldn't help being a little amused, "Deer antler and musk are indeed top-grade medicinal materials, and they are sold at a very high price in pharmacies, but the price they gave Orion is not How tall is it. And the deer is good, the musk deer is good, and it’s not pheasant or rabbit, how can it be so easy to get?”

"Dabai is certainly capable, but there are not many of those two kinds of animals in our place."

The old lady drank tea calmly.

The second lady and the others nodded frequently.

But old Han, old Dong, He Yuru, and He Xiuxiu were terrified and couldn't recover for a long time.

They were really shocked when they talked about Dabai hunting wild boars of several hundred catties in a flat tone, with a familiar look.

In the past, He Yuru and He Xiuxiu had made troubles for He Xiner a lot.

Both of them were a little scared.

That wild girl raises geese and dogs at the same time, it's really, really annoying.

"What Chai said makes sense."

The second lady frowned, she couldn't figure it out, "Besides, she, He Xiner, stays in the mansion all day, how can she have time to go hunting?"

After a pause, she snorted lightly, and said with some disdain, "Her dog is just like her ancestors, such as lion's head, sweet-scented osmanthus duck, and roast chicken. They eat better than humans. Those are fine, just keep a dog." Dogs that love to eat meat are not uncommon.

But her dog still eats pastries, which is ridiculous. "

The youngest grandmother, Jiang Shi, squeezed her veil and said with a smile, "I heard that our fourth young master often sends people to Wuweizhai to buy dim sum and Baiweixuan to buy roast chicken. Their feelings are all to please Dabai."

In fact, everyone knows about this, she just deliberately stabbed the second lady.

Sure enough, the second lady's complexion was not very good-looking.

The little brat hasn't given her anything filial to her, but it's a dog around every day, so it's no wonder she isn't angry.

But her son, he can complain no matter what, but he doesn't allow others to abduct him.

So, she said magnanimously, "Who told him to be careless? The left and right are his own monthly bills, and he can spend them however he likes."

Jiang frowned secretly.

Seeing the crooked building, the second young lady said, "Mother, the fourth sister is so precious, Big Dabai, that she doesn't want to go up the mountain to hunt every day if she has time?"

"Yes, that's it."

The second lady nodded heavily.

Jiang Shi also returned to the previous topic, "Where did He Xiner's money come from?"

So, several people happily discussed how He Xiner made money, He Chuer and He Qier also listened with interest, the old lady was still dignified and elegant, and did not get involved in such topics.

The four grandparents of the old Han family have already been petrified.

(End of this chapter)

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