The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2077 Don't worry about them

Chapter 2077 Don't worry about them

"Miss, it's really strange that those two didn't file a complaint."

He Xiner declined the request to accompany He Jiajie on the grounds that Ye Xusheng had to take exams during the new year and had no time to play.

However, he didn't expect that he would drag her up the mountain again, and He Xiner returned even more simply. The weather was too cold, so she didn't want to go to the mountain to enjoy the wind.

After repeated rejections, He Jiajie was rather disappointed, his eyes that were so excited that they were shining turned pale in silence.

It made He Xiner feel a little embarrassed, said something nice, and then told Dabai to play well, and he must be satisfied to return, so he was happy again, and happily took Dabai and a few servants away.

As soon as He Jiajie left, Xiao Xing couldn't help talking about He Yuru and He Xiuxiu.

You know, that big goose twisting people is extremely painful.

The two were screwed miserably by the big goose.

And that He Yuru has always been reckless and unreasonable, logically speaking, he is not the one who can suffer, and he will definitely make a scene.

Originally, she thought that if the two of them had trouble again, she would have a good reasoning with them.

Who knew they could hold back.

Even the old Dong who had previously threatened to sue was silent.

It's really strange.

He Xiner's heart flew away a long time ago, she didn't have the heart to think about others, she said with a light smile, "Let them go, as long as they don't make trouble, don't worry about them."

After a short pause, he turned to Wei Yu and said, "I forgot about today's lobby brother Xiu Mu, and I can only take you shopping on another day."

She never mentioned Ye Xusheng in front of the maids.

It's not that I have a guilty conscience, but that there is no need to mention it.

But with He Jiajie, they already knew about it, and she wouldn't deliberately hide anything.

Wei Yu had already guessed that someone from Ye's family was in the county town, so she didn't think it was abrupt.

Her family's young lady is nostalgic and affectionate, so it's not surprising that she has a close relationship with the Ye family.

"Dabai is not here, do you want the servant girl to accompany the young lady to the academy?"

"no need."

Just a few steps away.

He Xiner didn't explain anything, she just said that if someone came from the Wanfu Silver House, she would ask her to help choose a suit, and said that she would come back later at night.

Wei Yu immediately reminded her that there is a family dinner tonight, so it's not too late.

He Xiner readily agreed, and took the hand stove filled with new charcoal fire from Luo Hua's hand. Under the service of Xiao Yu, she put on a cloak, and was sent to the courtyard by a few maids.

The sky is clear and the sky is blue.

Although the weather is good, the temperature is low.

The cold north wind is so cold that it can freeze people's ears off.

For example, in the severe cold season, there are few pedestrians on the street, and all of them are in a hurry, and they have no intention of admiring the scenery on the roadside.

He Xiner was in a bright mood and walked briskly, and arrived at Ye's house in less than a quarter of an hour.

At that time, in the study room separated by a shelf between the west and the upper room, Ye Xusheng was concentrating on sketching a pattern of hairpins with a delicate small Langhao pen.

Next year is her birthday, and he will personally design a hairpin that is unique in the world.

The beautiful plum blossoms in Dou Xue, the proud snow and frost, are glamorous and pure, worthy of her ethereal and pure temperament.

Embellished with a few coral beads representing auspiciousness and happiness, precious and elegant.

Fine gold thread tassels add a touch of lightness~
Ye Xusheng seemed to see the real thing, his eyes were soft, and the corners of his lips were lightly raised.

This is the satisfactory work he finally completed in one go after scrapping many manuscripts.

He will not use craftsmen from the county.

She had already made up her mind to go to Fucheng to find a master craftsman with superb skills to make it for her.

There is time left and right, but there is no rush.

Do you want to design individual patterns for comparison?
The magnolia flower with icy muscles and bones also matches her temperament very well.

People who have always been decisive and neat are now indecisive and procrastinating.

Gently drying the ink, Ye Xusheng frowned slightly, and looked at the drawing in his hand again with critical eyes, and finally became happy until he confirmed that he could not pick out any flaws.

"Master, Miss is here."

Ye Xusheng was overjoyed, he quickly put down the rice paper in his hand, and was about to go up to him.

Immediately thinking of something, he hastily retracted his right leg that he had stepped out, carefully put away the drawing, and then strode outside.

(End of this chapter)

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