Chapter 2082 I'm Not Blind
Old Dong and He Xiuxiu were also in high spirits.

If they can catch He Xiner's handle, then they can handle it however they want.

At that time, let her go east and dare not go west.

"Milk, look!"

There will be pedestrians blocking Old Han's line of sight, and she is so anxious to follow what is it, this is not a few steps in a hurry, without the obstructive pedestrians, her sight suddenly becomes clear, and she can see clearly without He Yuru's words clearly.

The girl's figure is light and graceful, while the boy's figure is tall and straight, like a bamboo like a pine.

The two walked side by side, talking and laughing happily, intimate~
Old Han squinted his old eyes and stared at a pair of people who were separated by a few feet, with an unfathomable expression on his face.

The four of them, young and old, will come out of Ninglufang.

It turned out that several people were deeply stimulated by the words of the third young lady and others. Is He Xiner so rich?

While the four were shocked, there was also a hint of disbelief.

Could it be that the female family members of the He Mansion joined forces to play flower guns in order to make them jealous?
The more grandparents of the old Han family thought about it, the more this happened.

The grandparents of the old Dong family also felt that it was very possible.

Ordinarily, whether He Xiner is really rich or fake has nothing to do with them.

They don't have to be so tangled up.

But the few people are full of thoughts, thinking about scheming people all the time, knowing that He Xiner's private house is rich in money, how can they remain indifferent?

Don't look at He Xiner's rejection of He Yuru and He Xiuxiu many times, her attitude is very indifferent, but in the eyes of old Han and old Dong, she is just a little girl with a little temper.

This kind of naughty child can't be forced.

Just like a stubborn donkey, yes, it has to be smoothed.

Isn't it just coaxing children~
Old Han and old Dong are full of confidence.

But it's hard to tell what kind of psychology it is, and the four of them stubbornly believe that the words of the third young lady are too watery.

For example, the rouge gouache worth 200 taels of silver.

So the four of them went out of the He Mansion together, inquiring all the way to find Ninglufang.

Facts have proved that what the third young lady said is true.

Old Han's and old Dong's feelings were filled with displeasure.

But He Yuru and He Xiuxiu were on the verge of going mad with jealousy.

It was in this situation that they saw He Xiner.

He Yuru's eyes sparkled with excitement, and He Xiuyou was also complacent, thinking that they should get rich together.

"Huh! What an uneducated wild girl! This is in broad daylight, and people come and go on the street. She is so intimate with the outsider, and she is not afraid of being looked at by others, which will ruin the He family. reputation!"

He Yuru was filled with righteous indignation.

Those who don't know, think that she is more concerned about the He family.

At this moment, a child in front of him was playing around and almost bumped into He Xiner. Ye Xusheng quickly grabbed her waist and dodged to the side, dodging past.

"Grandma! Grandma! Look at them hugging each other!"

Seeing the boys and girls intimately touching each other a few meters away, He Yuru was so excited that she almost screamed. She knew that the matter was serious, and she was even more afraid of scaring the snake, so she didn't dare to shout out.

The old Han who was so angry that he frowned in thought gave her a look, "I'm not blind."

Old Dong said, "How about we catch up with them now?"

He Xiuxiu repeatedly agreed, "He Xin'er is too difficult to get close to, and she raises some animals to guard the house, so it's really hard to get close to her. Now there is an opportunity outside."

However, the old Han said, "I haven't figured out what the situation is, but rushing up and telling them to be vigilant is not worthwhile."

He Yuru's eyes widened, "They're all hugging each other in the street, what else is unclear? It's clearly that wild girl..."

"Didn't it mean that the boy from the Ye family is also in the county town? It's probably him."

Old Han said expressionlessly, "They were a family before, brothers and sisters, so it's nothing to be anxious if they are afraid of being bumped into."

What will happen, they can all see clearly.

It's just that he wanted to catch He Xiner's handle in his heart, so he wanted to use such an excuse to manipulate her.

Thinking of those expensive rouge and gouache, the golden hair and face, and the various clothes and skirts, He Yuru couldn't bear it anymore, and wished he could loot He Xiner.

Her eyes were red, she couldn't even breathe steadily, and she said with deep unwillingness, "Her surname is not Ye now!"

The old Han gave her an angry look, "I don't know what her last name is yet?"

He Yuru immediately lowered his proud head like a fighting cock, drooping and sluggish, really like a rooster who has lost a fight.

Old Dong frowned and said, "Then let's miss such a good opportunity?"

"Follow up and take a look, it's best to find out the kid's identity."

The old Han made a decision on this matter, and the other three had to listen. No matter how disdainful old Dong was, he would not turn against her.

Who told them that their purpose is the same~
(End of this chapter)

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