The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2083 I knew you were clever

Chapter 2083 I knew you were clever

"Grandma, they went to the restaurant!"

He Xinru gritted her teeth.

It seems that someone used her money.

Old Han said angrily, "I saw it!"

She is not sour.

I have lived most of my life, but I have never been to a restaurant.

The restaurant in front of me is three stories high, with blue bricks and gray tiles, cornices and brackets, red lacquered doorposts, and gold-plated plaques... Under the sunshine, the whole restaurant is magnificent and magnificent.

Old Han narrowed his old eyes slightly, looked carefully, and intuited that everything in this restaurant was exquisite and expensive.

I don't know how much money it will cost to have a meal in such a grand restaurant.

She was just thinking about it here, and felt that someone was tightly pulling her sleeves, and suddenly turned her head to look, it was naturally her good granddaughter.

How old is he, yet so unstable.

Old Han frowned in displeasure, but before she could speak, He Yuru cheered excitedly, "Grandma, shall we go in too?"

She froze and scolded under her throat, "What nonsense are you talking about? How much money do you think the family has for you?"

"Where is the use of us to pay for money!
Isn't there He Xiner?
Naturally, it was her treat.

Grandma is an elder and the wife of the patriarch. It is her honor to give He Xiner a chance to fulfill the filial piety of a junior. "

What He Yuru said was so straightforward, it seemed that He Xiner could be the master of it.

"Oh, girl Ru, that's a good idea."

Old Dong's brows were beaming with joy, and he took He Yuru's hand very affectionately, and his tone was gentle and outrageous, "I know you are clever, you have a good brain, and you can think things through..."

He Xiuxiu, who was standing beside her, lowered her head slightly, so that no one could see the disdain and contempt in her eyes.

She, He Yuru, other than being able to use her status to suppress people, what other skills do she have.

But, she was very happy to have a meal in such a luxurious restaurant.

She has had enough of white rice porridge for several days.

This old Mrs. Dong took He Yuru's hand and just praised him, and praised He Yuru so proudly that he almost went to the sky with his tail up.

The old Han family frowned tightly, and interrupted her words heavily, "In my opinion, one thing more is worse than one thing less, and there is no need to delay the business for the sake of stuttering.

That girl is not easy to talk about, and that kid may not have a certain temper, so he confronted each other out of the blue. If they don't want to, we will be the ones who are ashamed. "

Naturally, she also hoped to have a good time eating delicacies from mountains and seas in this grand restaurant, but she insisted on her status, and felt that she had spent all her time and thought, just to calculate a meal, which was too cheap.

Besides, when she got hold of He Xiner, would she worry about not being able to have a good meal?
In order to eat with one bite, she was on guard. Didn't she pick up the sesame seeds and lose the watermelon?
Hearing what old Han said was reasonable, old Dong let go of He Yuru resentfully, and remained silent with a sullen face.

He Yuru and He Xiuxiu were a little unwilling, especially He Yuru, who was still trying to persuade her with a whimper.

Old Han called her to leave with a sullen face, but her feet seemed to have taken root, and she remained motionless.

"If you don't go back, you will miss out on porridge, and you will be hungry!"

Useless stuff!

When she is willing to drink plain porridge, there is no other way.

Speaking of it, it is great to be able to drink a bowl of white porridge made of broken rice at home, but when you come to He Mansion, after eating chicken, duck and fish for a few days, the white porridge made from polished rice is disgusting.

Alas, it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.

Old Han's face was expressionless.

In the past few years, the old man tried every means to find a reason to ask He Hongjin for money, and the family benefited a lot, and their family also benefited, and life was much better than before.

But compared to the He family, it was still extremely poor.

The most unbearable thing for her was that she was the woman with the highest status in the entire He family, but she was firmly pressed on top of her head by the old Zhou.

I really don't like her~
She squinted her old eyes slightly, then looked at Hefenglou's gilded flat forehead, snorted softly, turned her head and left.

He Xiner, right?
Let her think about it...

(End of this chapter)

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