The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2085 There is something important

Chapter 2085 Something Important to Say
He is passionate.

He Xiner was almost overwhelmed.

A lingering kiss ended, and both of them lost their breath.

"The lip balm just applied is all gone..."

She was blushing and coquettish.

"Hmm~, Xin'er's lips are so sweet~"


After arguing for a while, Ye Xusheng had no choice but to let go of her until the light in the room was getting darker, and carefully touched up her makeup, then added red-hot silver frost charcoal to the stove, and handed it to her. inside.

"The jade pendant that Xin'er gave me is very rare, so I keep it in my pocket all the time."

The bony and slender fingers flexibly flipped up and down, tying a beautiful bow to her cloak.Put the hood on her carefully again, then looked at her fixedly, and said with a smile, "Don't be angry, okay? Big brother will pay you."

He Xiner was not angry at all.

In the end, he made such a solemn apology, which actually made her feel embarrassed.

Bai Yu's flawless skin was blushing, and she deliberately sullenly said with a small face, "It's okay, if the big hall brother thinks it's not worth showing your face, just let it go..."

Before finishing a sentence, I couldn't hold it anymore, so I burst out laughing.


Magical laughter immediately filled every corner of the room.

Looking at her bright smiling face, Ye Xusheng's eyes were gentle and the corners of his lips fluttered.

Ever since their relationship got closer, the little girl became shy, and she hasn't laughed so happily for a long time.


No matter how good the weather is in winter, no matter how bright the sun is, it is only warmer at noon. Before Shenzheng, the sun hides, the sky is gray, and the temperature drops accordingly.

The north wind roared like a wild beast.

He Yuru and He Xiuxiu felt that they were about to be blown through by the wind.

They had been waiting in front of the hanging flower gate for half an hour.

"It's almost dark and you don't come back, it's really unruly."

The impatient He Yuru had already run out of patience and was about to explode on the spot.

He Xiuxiu was annoyed, if he waited like this, he might get sick again.

She doesn't want to drink bitter soup.

The two were full of complaints.

But no one left.

Time passed bit by bit, the sky became more and more gloomy, it was the time when it was getting dark.

The biting cold wind scraped the skin mercilessly like a knife, and He Yuru's intuition felt that the skin was about to split open.

He Xiuxiu wasn't much better either.

My nose is about to freeze off.

At this moment, He Xiner walked slowly.

He Yuru, who was about to lose consciousness from the cold, became angry when he saw her, and reflexively started to curse, but He Xiuxiu pulled her sleeves in time to signal her to stay safe.

Thinking of her grandma's repeated admonitions, He Yuru endured and endured.

"Hey, you still know how to come back?"

Originally planned to get close to He Xiner, but when one of them spoke, there was resentment, and He Xiner couldn't help frowning.

She didn't want to spoil the good mood of the day.

So I didn't talk to him at all, so as not to be misled by a fool.

"Fourth sister, the patriarch grandma wants to see you, if it's important, come with us."

He Xiuxiu is gentle and charming, with an amiable smile.

Thinking of the white money, she was naturally full of joy, and looked at He Xiner with bright eyes, with a very sincere look.

It's a pity that He Xiner still ignored her, and continued to walk forward without stopping.

He Xiuxiu was so angry that she gritted her teeth secretly.

He Yuru, who was already bad-tempered, turned even darker.

"Hey! You don't have ears? My grandma calls you!"

If it wasn't for someone getting in the way, she would have wanted to get started.

It was about to get dark, and it was time to turn on the lights. The ladies and maids on duty were lighting lights everywhere, and the staff moved around frequently. From time to time, someone would say hello to He Xiner.

He Xiner nodded in gesture.

Seeing that the servants of the He Mansion treated them as transparent people, but respectfully saluted He Xiner, He Yuru was so jealous that she was about to go mad.

He Xiuxiu also kept on taking sour water.

When did the patriarch mention their affairs to the uncle?
(End of this chapter)

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