Chapter 2086 What did you say

He Yuru was about to die of anger.

It's not surprising that the damned He Xiner ignored her, after all, this damn girl has never been easy to talk to.

But these servants dare to ignore her, it's like a dog's eyes look down on others.

After she also became the young lady of the mansion and gained a firm foothold, the account will be settled slowly.

But now...

She gave He Xiner a disdainful look, curled her lips and said sarcastically, "Stop pretending to be aloof with us, don't miss me see how you behave outside?"

"Tsk, tsk, in broad daylight is like a wild man..."

There will be a wave of servants in the past, and they have gone far.

He Yuru couldn't wait to sneer.

If she hadn't used this excuse to manipulate He Xiner, she would have wished that everyone would know about it.

He Xiner suddenly stopped, and looked at her with cold eyes, "What did you say?"

"Ouch, you know you're afraid? Pooh!"

Seeing that she finally stopped holding it, He Yuru was very proud, and regardless of the cold, she stretched out her hand from the cloak, and was about to poke He Xiner's forehead, ready to humiliate her.

In the end, He Xiner grabbed her and quickly bent her back, bending into an unbelievable arc, causing He Yuru to scream in pain. If she didn't know it, she thought she was killing a pig.


"It hurts—it hurts—let go, little bitch let go!"

The sharp cry was sudden and shrill, and it suddenly startled He Xiuxiu.

"What are you going to do? Let him go!"

"What's the point of talking to her, just call her... ah——"

He Yuru's yelling was sharp and piercing, causing He Xiner's brain to ache. Annoyed, she let go of her hand, and watched her hop on the spot with her fingers covered, "Be careful! Let me hear dirty words again, never I won't let it go so easily."

It's fine to scold her, she doesn't care.

But this strange woman actually called the big hall brother a wild man, so don't blame her for being rude.

He Xiuxiu was extremely surprised.

When caught by them, don't normal people feel guilty and afraid, and then try to stop their mouths?

How can she be so tyrannical?

"Fourth sister, don't be angry. Yuru spoke in a hurry, and she was too worried about you. You know how important a girl's boudoir reputation is..."

"Hey, don't go!"

On such a cold day, He Xiner was not in the mood to listen to nonsense in the cold wind, and walked away without even giving her a look.

He Xiuxiu became anxious immediately, and hurried to catch up, "Don't worry, fourth sister, no outsiders will know about this. Grandma, the patriarch, warned us not to tell anyone..."

She was furious.

She figured it out, with her and He Yuru's stupid pigs, she would never be able to handle He Xiner, and she had to rely on the patriarch's grandma and grandma.

He Yuru, who was about to stop crying, saw the two walking away, stomped his feet resentfully, let go of his feet, and chased after him, ignoring the pain in his hands, and directly interrupted He Xiuxiu who was chattering, "Drag her Walk!"


Just when He Xiner turned cold and was about to call for someone, two big white geese ran over aggressively, scaring He Yuru and He Xiuxiu to jump away, leaving He Xiner a few feet away.

"Miss, are you alright?"

He Xiner was delighted to see the big white goose.

Her family's goose guards came just in time.

Afterwards, Xiao Yu and Xiao Xing rushed over panting, before they could catch their breath, they spoke hastily and looked at her nervously.

"I am fine."

He Xiner smiled lightly, expressing that she was very good.

The two breathed a sigh of relief.

They came to greet their young lady, but before they arrived, they heard He Yuru cursing, and the two of them became anxious immediately.

That person went crazy and didn't care.

And she always works together.

With Dabai not here, the young lady will face the two of them alone, and she will definitely suffer.

It's okay.

Relieved, Xiao Xing put one hand on her hips, pointed at He Yuru with the other, and started cursing, "You are really annoying, you come to provoke my lady once or twice. Why is it not over yet?"

"Miss, you belong to the girl's family. If Dabai blows you away and you can't hold your face, you won't bother to talk to you. Who would have thought that you don't know good and bad, and you get worse and worse. You really don't know what to look like!"

To be scolded by a servant girl pointing her nose, for He Yuru, it was a shame and humiliation. The goose was spotted, spread its wings and squawked, and jumped on her.

"Ahhh—! Don't come here!"

(End of this chapter)

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