The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2088 It seems that I have gained a lot today

Chapter 2088 It seems that I have gained a lot today
Before He Xiner entered the flower hall, Dabai ran out to meet her.

"Ah, the Fourth Young Master came back early today."

Seeing her young lady's bright eyes sweeping away the previous silence, Wei Yu felt happy from the bottom of her heart.

Dabai put his big head on He Xiner's body coquettishly, making her smile amusedly, "Dear boy, do you miss your sister?"

The glazed lamps in the corridor make the shadows of a person and a dog very long, but the interaction between the two shadows is more clear, one arches and one arches, the other touches and touches~
Wei Yu looked interesting, her eyes bent into crescent moons.

"Fourth sister, come in, it's cold outside!"

The only person who can make Dabai greet each other with joy and anger is He Qing'er.

He Jiajie didn't even need to guess.

His eyes were surprisingly bright, and his face was full of excitement and excitement. He looked at He Xiner as if he was looking at a big golden ingot, and the corners of his mouth seemed to hang behind his ears with a grin.

He Xiner smiled and said, "It seems that I have gained a lot today."

"Hey, come in and tell me."

After entering the hall, he saw that all the female relatives in the inner house had arrived, and the masters in the outer courtyard, except for the eldest master, were also present.

Served by Xiao Yu, she took off her cloak, and handed over the stove to her. She went up to greet the old lady, and was about to take her seat, but He Jiajie grabbed her by the sleeve, "Fourth younger sister guessed that Dabai was hunting on the mountain. What's up?"

He Xiner was a little confused.

How can she guess this nonsense.

But seeing He Jiajie's excited eyes sparkle, it's not easy to dampen his interest.

She blinked, "Big bug?"

He Jiajie's face froze.

I don't know if there is one on Yufeng Mountain, but I haven't heard of it anyway.


"Black blind man?"

He Jiajie...

He looked helpless.

"That thing is going to hibernate."

He Xin'er gave a soft oh, took the wet wipes from the little maid, wiped her hands off in an orderly manner, and Wei Yu immediately stepped forward, took out a small pastel flower and bird pattern porcelain bottle from her purse, and opened the lid , and handed it to He Xiner.

It turned out to be a white and delicate pearl paste.

The pearl paste produced by Ninglufang has a unique secret recipe. It is said that many precious medicinal materials have been added, and probably also almonds that moisturize the skin. It smells sweet and almond-like.

Moisturizing and whitening effects are particularly good.

Of course, the price is also very beautiful.

He Qier, who had been staring at Yingluo's collar, suddenly felt sore.

He Chuer's eyes were also sore.

Their five taels of monthly silver is not enough to buy a box of pearl ointment.

Not unused.

After all, with the occasional subsidy from the second master, it is also possible to buy a bottle of pearl ointment.

The problem is, they are reluctant to use too much to moisturize their face, but He Xiner uses it as hand cream.

This difference is too big.

The two were about to die of acid.

It can be said that there are not many female relatives who are not sour.

Except for the old lady who was not too surprised, only the third young mistress reacted differently from the others.

She glanced at the porcelain bottle with bright eyes, making sure that she had memorized the patterns on it before giving up.

All kinds of envious and jealous eyes had no effect on He Xiner. She took a little pearl ointment and slowly applied it on her hands, continuing the previous topic, "Could it be that you have hunted the sweet water deer that Fourth Brother is thinking of?"

Looking down at Dabai who was nestled beside her, she was smiling and in a happy mood.

What big bugs and black blind people are all just to tease him.

Sure enough, He Jiajie's eyes were bright, his clear eyes were as bright as stars, and he screamed excitedly, "Dabai is simply amazing, he can hunt for whatever he wants..."

Then there was a lot of boasting and excited hand and foot dancing, which made He Jiaheng, He Jiayu, and He Jiaxuan covetously, and they all expressed that they would take Dabai to hunt when they had time.

Just as they were talking lively, Eldest Master He Hongjin, patriarch He Qingquan, room chief He Qingzhong, old Han, old Dong, He Yuru, and He Xiuxiu walked in.

The juniors got up and greeted them.

Regardless of whether he waited to see the old Han family or not, as long as He Hongjin still praised the patriarch, he couldn't lose face.

In a blink of an eye, old Han and old Dong had already greeted the old lady with a smile.

But He Yuru and He Xiuxiu couldn't wait to sit down, waiting eagerly for the banquet to start.

Seeing these thick-skinned people, the second lady curled her lips secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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