The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2089 Raising children in the countryside is rough

Chapter 2089 Raising children in the countryside is rough
When all the staff arrived, the seats were naturally opened immediately.

It was getting late, and everyone was hungry. When the food came, they all ate quietly, and the atmosphere was pretty good.

All the servants in the whole house know that Dabai is a favorite, and family banquets cannot do without him. The people in the big kitchen naturally take it to heart, and specially made a steamed chicken for him, as well as a large pot of meat and bones.

But He Jiajie would still feed it with the dishes on the table.

The people in He Mansion are used to it.

The patriarch, He Jiaquan, glanced at Dabai calmly, and then took a deep look at He Jiajie, who was squatting beside it with a flattering smile on his face, his eyes were dim and hard to see.

"Huh? Is this made of rabbit meat? Good guy, there are more peppers than meat in this big plate."

The second master He Hongzhang picked up a chopstick of spicy rabbit diced, put it in his mouth and tasted it slowly.

"Huh~, the spicy taste is strong, the dry fragrance is delicious, not bad!"

He Jiajie, who was squatting next to Dabai, was two feet away from the main table.

He turned his head and said loudly, "Father, the spicy diced rabbit tastes good, right? But eat it slowly, there will be pheasant soup in a while, the pheasant meat is firm, it's so delicious."

Everyone knows Dabai's ability, hunting small animals like hares and pheasants is really nothing, even the patriarchs don't take it seriously.

Even in winter, people in the village will go into the mountains in groups to hunt hares and pheasants, but it is difficult to hunt large animals.

He Yuru and He Xiuxiu were very hungry early on, and when they saw that the table was full of delicious food, they couldn't bear it, and they all ate it to their heart's content.

Especially He Yuru, before the food was served, she would give He Xiner a look from time to time, the resentment on her face should not be too obvious.

Those who didn't know thought He Xiner was her father-killing enemy.

After the dinner was over, her eyes were glued to the dining table, and she didn't look at He Xiner again.

"Hey, I said Miss Ru, how can you use your own chopsticks to hold vegetables? The serving chopsticks are left unused, and you use your own chopsticks to poke your saliva all over the place. How can you tell others? Have a meal?"

Old Han was sneaking a sneak peek at He Xiner.

She has a lot of words to tell a yellow-haired girl, and she will be able to make people submissive.

But this girl is too cunning.

She was not given a chance to get along with her at all, no matter how many ways she had, it was useless.

She was secretly annoyed here, but she heard a bitter tone on the other end, teasing her granddaughter in a vicious way.

It is the second lady.

She was angry and annoyed.

But can't tell what.

He couldn't help but glared at He Yuru.

Being stared at made He Yuru extremely wronged.

She was very careful before, no matter how much she disliked trouble in her heart, she didn't show it, and she always used serving chopsticks to pick up vegetables.

Also faintly proud.

She is no worse than He Chuer and the others.

However, after eating plain porridge for several days in a row, she suddenly faced a table full of delicious food, how could she care about being reserved.

While eating hazelnuts, he even forgot what serving chopsticks are.

It was also because the second wife wanted to find fault and embarrass her on purpose, so she stared at her eye-catchingly.

Others really don't have the time to take care of her.

The second lady's merciless words made He Yuru blush with anger, "Your heart is really..."

"To shut up!"

The old Han threw the knife in the eye, and He Yuru could only hold back his anger.

"The children in the village are not so particular about it, and they don't have that much fancy. They do everything straight, which makes my wife laugh at me."

Naturally, this was said to the second lady, which can be said to be ironic.

The second wife didn't feel annoyed, she smiled and said, "That's right, it's rough to raise children in the countryside."

Old Han gritted his teeth in annoyance.

All the female relatives in the mansion ignored it.

How to eat and how to eat.

Well, avoid the two dishes that He Yuru had stirred.

When this end speaks, the other end of the male table can also hear clearly.

The patriarch He Qingquan's old eyes flickered slightly, and he turned to He Hongjin and said, "This spicy rabbit is really exciting, after a few bites, my stomach will be filled with fire."

He Hongjin nodded, "That's right."

After a short pause, he continued, "Uncle likes this, just ask someone to write down the method."

Then he turned his head and raised his voice to ask He Jiajie, "Are there any wild rabbits?"

He Jiajie is a fine individual.

Immediately said with a smile, "Today I took people up the mountain as well, and I followed Dabai to pick up prey. Dabai didn't disappoint us, but he didn't let go of any wild animals we encountered. Pheasants and wild rabbits hunted the most. , enough to have two baskets."

He Qingquan had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, He Jiajie had already opened his mouth with a smile, "When the patriarch's grandfather returned, he brought some pheasants and rabbits with him, and asked the family's uncles and aunts to taste the game on Yufeng Mountain."

(End of this chapter)

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